2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I don't know yet (it's all an issue of how much can be done), for the few I did that, they really aren't mission critical to the exam frankly (e.g., the vast majority of the new Tuckman will take > 1 year to season into the exam, at least, and many will never appear) ... i could stop writing new daily questions and certainly then I could plug AIMs that won't be tested this May, but it would not be nearly as helpful, thanks,


New Member
Hi David,

When will T7 Operational be made available? As I want to prepare the exam earlier, is is alright to read the 2012 version for now?


Mark W

Active Member
Hi Falcon80,

We all want the notes as soon as possible. But if you read further back in this thread you will see that David and anyone else at BT are working around the clock to get them out for us given the amount of changes to the syllabus and timing of release.

In the meantime, T5 and T6 have 2013 notes and plenty of questions to keep you busy.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Mark W Thanks for your understanding

falcon80 T7 will release this week, apologies for the delay. (We've given a lot of thought on how to improve the timing of delivery; e.g., after the May exam, we are working on a process and study planner re-design that will allow for per-reading retrieval of notes ... basically, so that per-reading notes can be retrieved when ready and do not need to wait for the entire topic), thanks for your patience,


Hi Suzanne/David,

I have the following question about 2013 study planner:

In order to reach a complete preparation on each topic and practice the maximum questions, optimizing the time remaining to the exam day, do you advice going through practice questions and videos published for previous sessions exam (2011,2012) or just concentrate on the material provided for 2013 program ?

Thank you very much in advance,

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Yes, I would recommend going through the videos from the previous years (2012). We are changing our strategy this year in reference to the videos. Previously if content did not change, David was still re-recording the content. Now we are starting to publish the videos by readings so if something does not change it will be able to already be available and ready. This will also give David opportunity to focus on other areas.



Suzanne thanks for your promt response.
I ask you just one more clarification: we have to collect all practice questions from prevoius years and "today quiz" or BT provide us with refreshed questions for topic T1, T2, T3 and T4 ? I mean, last week you published different docs with questions for T1-Foundations: is it sufficient to exercise on it?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi FRMCAND No, you really don't need to monitor and collect questions from Today's Quiz (or even the forum in general, really): we don't think that is necessarily convenient. The forum is for those who want to discuss/query/engage, or maybe if they just want to see what questions we are currently working on.

Each of the Today's Quiz questions eventually manifests into the Study Planner into a PDF set. Basically, we gradually update the Study Planner over the year so that the PQ PDFs are refreshed, so you should only need to use the Study Planner, although importantly follow-up discussion occurs at the source questions. For example, this weekend an error was identified in a two-year old question (http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/l1-t3-176-currency-swap-valuation.4587/ ); that correction will eventually revert to the associated PDF PQ set. Our goal is not to force customers to use the forum, but rather to benefit from the Study Planner (which we are re-designing for better usability, we realize it could be more usable). Thanks,

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

I recommend that you utilize the study planner: http://www.bionicturtle.com/my-account/study-planner

In the study planner you will find all of the documents that are relevant. We are starting to refresh practice questions documents (you will notice all of the version do not currently match). All of the documents in the study planner are still relevant to your studies. Please do not pay attention to the dates that the documents were published, that honestly is not helpful. Even if a document was published last year does not mean it is relevant to this year. I hope that helps!



New Member
Hi David,
I am a great fan of your notes. A big thanks for all your notes so far.
I do understand the pain in consolidating the new AIMs.
Any luck on T8 and T9 :) or any proposed deadline.


Hi Suzanne/David, I am your member for Part 2 exam in May. It is getting difficult to go back to 2012 and see what is relevant for 2013. Would you be able to re-publish relevant Study Notices and especially Practice Qns (chapter wise or clubbed together like you posted for Tuckman) again under Study Planner?
I just see Tuckman PQs PDF under Study Planner. Can you please try to publish PQs for other stuff asap as you cover them in your forum (as part of dails qns which is hard for me to track)?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Aloks,

Yes, we are doing that, as rapidly as possible. We have several PQ PDFs that will soon publish (please don't ask me for exact dates, I cannot even keep up with status checks). Although the daily PQ practice is the same: it makes no sense to immediately convert new daily questions at http://forum.bionicturtle.com/forums/todays-quiz.53/ to PDFs. Those already manifest (like Tuckman's new PDF that you cite) as PDFs, but after a certain several days when the discrete reading chapter (global topic review) is concluded. So, yes, we agree and are doing this.

We also fully realize the Study Planner can be much improved: we are working with a very talented developer+designer and I'm 95% confident our new SP will be 3x better: we are going to a per-reading, table of content (TOC) type logic, such that it should be much easier to simply lookup the wanted resource "as if" you are using the Study Guide as a TOC. (plus the per-reading logic should allow us to represent the SP as more of a continuous resource, as opposed to the current problem created by the early-year transition where 2012 and 2013 are necessarily commingled). Thanks,


Thanks for your help David. I am working hard to cover as many PQs as possible for May exam....so keep on checking study planner every now and then.
It's just that in the interest of time (1.5 months now) i would like to see everything under Study Planner. I know you all are working on it :)


New Member
Hi David,

I know you are busy and I would like to thank you for all the efforts you have taken till now. I couldn't have passed Part I without your help. I would need some clarification on how you are structuring your approach for Part II. Basically, how I understand it, is that you are only publishing videos for the additions/modifications, but we still need to combine those with the videos of 2012 (except for the readings which have been removed). Is my understanding correct? Appreciate your time to clarify. Thanks.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Holmes, yes basically correct. And, I admit our transition approach is not ideally suited to May 2013 exam sitters (but, then again, neither was the overall timing - it would be impossible to video update all of P2 before May). Basically we are working with a top-notch developer/designer to replace the current, awkward Study Planner with a Table of Contents (TOC)-type reference that matches the study guide (Part > Topic > Reading), where the key difference is, eventually, every resource (video, note, XLS, PQ PDF) will be linked to a reading (or a topic, or a part).

This will actually allow us to "catch up" with GARP more effectively because then, each new year will not require a wholesale update, but (since we are creating durable per-reading resources), we can only need to focus on the changes. For example, rather than having the Stock & Watson regression "trapped" in an overall 2012 video; if we parse it out per-reading, and it repeats next year, then it will be obviously accessible.

... but currently, yes, it's true that, for both Parts 1 and Parts 2, I am adding new videos associated with READINGS such that, in the meantime, May exam sitters do need to use the combination of both 2012 and brand new videos (but, as always, the Study Planner is updated for the most recent view). As I add new readings, they are not really dated by year, so while there is no doubt this is inconvenient in the short run (ahead of the May exam), we are highly confident that as the PER- reading resources transition in (and gradually replace 2012 resources, across the board, not just videos), the new "study planner" will be so much more effective, including that as of the Nov 2013 exam, it will basically be a "continuously available resource" where we can plainly indicate the gaps to be filled.

In fact, it was the dilemma forced on us this year, by the late release and crazy changes (given timing) that pushed us into this solution, but then as we worked on it, we realized it's actually a better solution anyway (e.g., rather than each year, where i re-read duplicate material, I can focus on higher-quality videos).

I hope that explains, thanks!

Mark W

Active Member
Hi David,

I'm going to be a (slight) pain. ;)

Regarding Stulz Chapter 18 for Credit Risk T6...you said you were not happy with your 2012 study notes and will publish updated ones in v1.2 of the T6 notes. All I would like to know is an estimated probability of this happening prior to the May exam (if not - maybe worth including 2012 notes?) as I'm printing off and binding the notes up and don't want to do it if they will update in the near future.

Certainly not wanting to pester you and don't mind which way the answer goes - just after an opinion. I appreciate all the work you're doing given the circumstances.
