2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)


New Member
Hello, I can't seem to find the credit Gergory chapter 7 video. I thought David recently published it and i saw it in the study planner as well but somehow I can't seem to find it now. Am i missing anything.


EK - I am currently working on them: next week. Thanks,
Hi David, any updates on this?
Also, are you going to update the "P2.Credit.-Global-Topic-Drill" question sheet? - it's just 24 pages long, I doubt it's sufficient enough to check all key concepts from the P2.Credit section, can you comment on this please?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
  • I am trying to finish the formula sheets by the weekend (that is not an invitation for a status check on that), then resume Stulz 18 on Monday (we have an excellent draft, it just requires a little more of my time).
  • No, we are surely not going to update T6 Global Topic drill before the upcoming exam. Re: "I doubt it's sufficient enough to check all key concepts from the P2.Credit section" You realize we wrote many detailed AIM-by-AIM questions this year, yes? The Global Topic drill has a different agenda that comprehensive coverage: it's purpose is to triangulate current syllabus with historical question sets to attempt the best set of fewer, more relevant questions. Nevertheless, P2.T6.Credit is wildly over-assigned this year; i.e., it will take us well into 2014 (with daily PQ) to get it fully covered with itemized PQ. Thanks,


New Member
  • I am trying to finish the formula sheets by the weekend (that is not an invitation for a status check on that), then resume Stulz 18 on Monday (we have an excellent draft, it just requires a little more of my time).
Thank you David, well appreciated. Regarding distraction I disagree, a forum is made to express comments and concerns, let people vent. If you´re busy, which is legitimate and reasonable, you can delegate answering comments to someone else on your team, you´ve got a good team working with you.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi logicpad
  • Re: "Is there any technical problem in making the previous formula sheet available in the study notes area?" No technical problem whatsoever. The work is created by the subsequent support (you only see the forum support, you don't see the email support): whatever we publish, we have to support.
  • Re: "Regarding distraction I disagree, a forum is made to express comments and concerns, let people vent." I actually absolutely agree with that sentence: hence this has always been an un-moderated forum (we only delete spam). I wrote, "that is not an invitation for a status check on that." You can ignore my invitation ;) But forum logic is decidedly bilateral (multi-lateral?): you say it's okay to vent, and I do agree, but it also means that I can say you are wasting my time (after all, some people are unreasonable and lack manners). Personally, I hate this thread, to tell the truth, almost every day I dread opening the forum because of this thread, I wish I could delete it, but our values do not allow for such behavior. We're accountable.

    Your next statement only sounds good in theory: "you can delegate answering comments to someone else on your team." If/when a customer is unhappy, neither Suzanne and I are good about delegating (we're the owners). We just are not big enough to delegate responses to unhappiness.


New Member
Hi, I may have missed seeing a previous thread on focus reviews and I haven't heard a response on my postings elsewhere -- will these be updated for 2013 P2 exam, or would the 2012 versions be sufficient for the exam? Thanks.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi mli536 - No, we don't have time for 2013 focus reviews (we will resume them in 2014). The 2012 P1 focus reviews are more relevant than the 2012 P2 Focus reviews (i.e., the 2012 P2 FR are adequate but not ideal). Thanks,


New Member
Hi David,
Sorry , I couldn't stop myself asking this. Would we have have newer mock exams for P2.
Thanks in advance,

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
delta123 - Yes, we are going to have one (or two) additional mock exams per part. We are working as fast as we can. We have just deployed Part 1 formula sheets and I am getting ready to upload Part 2 formula sheets. Please be patient, they are coming. Thanks!


New Member
Hi, the practice questions of Malz chapter 6 to 9 is corrupted. Can you please check and upload a new one? thanks.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @potomoc

We do not have updated formula sheets yet. We are working very hard to get as many things published as possible before the November exam.

Thank you,
