Win prizes for forum participation!!


Hi Nicole,

Thanks for the info. The email you have on file for me will be fine to send it to.

Kind regards :)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Here are the winners for last week! Thank you all for your participation in the forums!!

The winners are:

@brian.field and @Deepak Chitnis

Congratulations to our winners! Please email me at [email protected], reply to this post or start a conversation with me here on the forum to let me know if you would like to redeem your prize now or let it accrue.


  • $15 iTunes gift card (US only)
  • $15 Amazon gift card
  • $15 Starbucks gift card


Hi Nicole,

Just FYI I have not yet received my Amazon voucher via email - could you let me know if it has been sent already? I have checked my junk folder too and nothing in there either.

Many thanks

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @S666

I apologize for that. It was on my list to do, and I did not get a chance to do it last week. I just sent it to your email that is on file. Please let me know if you do not receive it today. :)

Thank you,


Dr. Jayanthi Sankaran

Well-Known Member
Hi Nicole,

I did not receive the $15 Amazon gift card for August 31st. Could you please check and let me know if you sent it. I have received the $15 gift card for August 24th and the $45 gift card for August 11th (combined with January and February 2015).

Thanks a tonne:)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @Jayanthi Sankaran @S666 @brian.field

There was an issue with the Amazon gift cards being emailed to all of you. After speaking with Amazon, the issue has been resolved, and I resent all of your gift cards. Please let me know if you do not get them by the end of the day today.

Thank you,


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
It is time to announce our winners for last week (sorry for the delay! :eek:) Thank you all for your participation in the forums!!

The winners are:

@Jayanthi Sankaran and @Rolme

Congratulations to our winners! Please email me at [email protected], reply to this post or start a conversation with me here on the forum to let me know if you would like to redeem your prize now or let it accrue.

  • $15 iTunes gift card (US only)
  • $15 Amazon gift card
  • $15 Starbucks gift card