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  • Part 2 didn't make it this time, but I am gonna try it again. Congratulations all who passed.......
    Dr. Jayanthi Sankaran
    Dr. Jayanthi Sankaran
    That's the spirit Deepak - way to go the next time!
    Deepak - I am sorry to hear this. I have faith in you and I know that you will pass this exam. Keep your head up - you are a gifted student with a wonderful intellect. All the best!
    Deepak Chitnis
    Thank you so much Brina and Dr. Jayanthi Sankaran for encouragement...... Until people like you, Dr. Jaynthi and Mkaim around me I wont be disappoint. I will keep trying. Thank you so much and I am sure you will also help me in future. Thanks a lot!
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