Hello,Hi @David @Nicole Seaman
I am trying to solve all the questions of your question bank. Some are easy but some are also very hard. Your questions sometimes do demoralise me when I am not able to solve them . I want to know whether the exam questions will be tougher than your questions? I mean on the exam day should I expect harder questions?
Hello @emilioalzamora1I slightly disagree with this @Nicole Seaman. I have encountered exam questions much harder than some BT questions. Most BT questions do require more calculation etc. for sure and go into some (excellent) level of technical detail (which is much appreciated for the eager learner, but most of the time this technicalities are not necessary for exam day), but we cannot generalize saying that BT or (let's say any other service provider) has only easier/more trickier questions. For example, I noticed some useful preparation questions from Schweser as well (which in the end of the day helped with a handful of exam questions).
@bpdulog we haven't conducted a more recent survey (when we go to refresh the homepage, which will be before the end of the year, we will either conduct a new survey--or just as likely--remove the pass rate in favor of the qualitative indicators with respect to customer satisfaction/testimonials. I'm not sure yet. There are pros/cons.). We do need to update this page (https://www.bionicturtle.com/pass-rate-information/) cc @Nicole Seaman ... including with this updated FRM historical pass rate exhibit (copied below). I am curious, why you do think "it seems like the exams have gotten much tough," because fwiw that's not really my impression?