2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

We do not have a video for Malz, Chapter 9. If it survives the 2014 curriculum, we will add it. Currently we are working on Tuckman & Gregory. Thanks!


New Member
Hello Suzanne,

I just wanted to kindly check on the status of the revised Part II formula sheet. I think at this point it would be really useful as we have moved into solving questions. Appreciate your usual support. Thanks,



We do not have a video for Malz, Chapter 9. If it survives the 2014 curriculum, we will add it. Currently we are working on Tuckman & Gregory. Thanks!
Hi Guys,
It would be extremely helpful if you highlighted the readings that aren't worth it (in BT's opinion of course) for the exam preparation, it would save a lot of time for your students!


New Member
Thanks for your effort. Pleased to know that Tuckman and Gregory will be available by Oct 26th. Having this deadline will enable candidates to schedule study plan. Can you please also update us the deadline of publishing formula sheet for FRM part 2.


Existing formula sheet is not of much help. Especially Part II because syllabus has undergone a major change. Please publish a new formula sheets. It will save students lot of effort.


New Member
The current issue T9 videos that are out there 2012.T9.a, 2012.T9.b and 2012.T9.c doesn't seem to match with the GARP AIM for 2013 exam. Is my understanding correct with this.
If this is the case then these videos probably should be removed to avoid any confusion. Thanks in advance.


Hi there, when shall we expect questions and study notes for "Credit Stulz, Chapter 18"?
I apologize if it's been already provided.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

That is correct. T9 is never consistent and always changes. Depending upon the 2014 curriculum, we may or may not be recording T9. If it's relevant, we will. In the meantime, please feel free to use the older videos for T9.



New Member
I will update the formula sheets.
This is well appreciated David, like Holmes, rashed_du, and MJ2013, I think the formula sheet is a good focal point, kind of surprised not to see one from May or previous exams as part of the material, at least as reference. I´ve worked on a sheet with tips or formulas or answers or comments as I go through the questions you kindly wrote, but it´s a bit of a mess to navigate through the material each time you´re looking for a formula. Understanding a past formula sheet may not be 100% the same as what you´re preparing, it´s probably useful to look through it as focal point for the material, not just as formula sheet. Could you provide a link to the May or previous formula sheet for P2 until the other one´s ready? I would also suggest posting drafts of the formula sheet as it gets completed, it´s still useful. I would rather look at a previous formula sheet or at 70% of the formulas for three or four weeks, than at 100% of the formulas for a day or two. I´d like to emphasize the sheet is useful to synthesize material and to sort of guide familiarity with it and soak in some type of relevance with it, it´s not just to memorize. I think this requires more or less three or four weeks of playing and becoming familiar with it, it´s not a last minute thing. Thank you for your assistance, your support is well appreciated.


Hi David,
Just noticed that the video "P2.Credit Gregory, Counterparty Credit Risk" covers only 2nd chapter of the reading. Are you going to upload videos for the remaining four chapters (3-7)?
Thank you,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi EK - Not all four, I am recording Chapter 7 today, then we are going to stop producing new videos ahead of the upcoming exam (I will then work on formula sheets). We realize there are some reading gaps, but we are devoting a lot of effort and resource to getting an early start on 2014 so we can cope with the next syllabus better. Thanks,

logicpad, I hear you, I regret we didn't have a new formula sheet updated earlier. After Gregory Ch 7 video, I'll work on updated formula sheets and get them to you ASAP (but i don't want to post interim drafts "as it gets completed" ... that will just slow me down ... my daily communication burden is already heavy ... it will only take me a few days to revise the formulas). Thanks,


New Member
Hi David, thanks, I appreciate the update of the formula sheet, and I can understand you´re busy, that´s why I suggested a link to download the old formula sheet as reference until you get the new one ready. I can´t find the old formula sheet anywhere, neither in the study notes area or the practice questions. I assume this formula sheet is available to all paid members. Just to avoid misunderstandings, is the formula sheet available to tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3? I checked all three products descriptions for P2 and don´t see any reference to formula sheets. If this is only available to tier 2 and tier 3, it should be in the description of the products and tier 1 should mention it doesn´t include formula sheets. Thanks for clarifying, you said a few days and it´s been nearly a week and there´s been no anouncement, I think the previous formula sheet should be part of the material in the study notes area until the new one is available, just like you provide older exams for reference, it´s going to be 70% or 80% useful. Not sure if I´m missing something here, is any formula sheet, old or new, available to P2 members on the site? Thanks again for your assistance.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
logicpad, the formula sheets aren't listed as an offering because we knew 2013 would be difficult enough, and we didn't want to make that promise (I am working on them right now, only because several customers want them). Going forward, I agree with you: formula sheets should be available to all Tiers and they will be available to all Tiers. (and, going forward, we will definitely include them: we are currently resourcing the 2014 plan, including receiving early syllabus drafts, to cope with the nature of the changing syllabus). With respect to "it's been nearly a week," I have not promised any specific date on the revised formula sheets: I am working on the all day today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday on them (in addition to forum support and other notes), such that I hope to have them posted by the end of the weekend, but that's not a promise. I'll get them up as fast as possible. In the meantime, you can hold off on additional status checks, they just distract from my time giving support on substantive domain topics.

Suzanne Evans can you decide about the prior formula sheets, I can't decide. It will only be a few more days, and I really hesitate to create another activity? Thanks,