2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Actually, I'm working on getting a large majority of the P2 up where we have older videos that still apply. We will be uploading some of the videos recorded in 2012 if they are applicable to 2013.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

I plan to pull down the calendar as we had to make some changes recently. These changes actually allowed us to fill in a lot of gaps where there were not videos provided.

As of right now, our next session of videos that we plan to work on are:

T4.R20.Tuckman 5 & 6
T6.R39.Gregory 4 & 7

Time permitting, we will assess the other videos.



hi david/suzanne,
A small request to please give priority to Gregory before Tuckman . Gregory is difficult as compared to Tuckman .
Thanks in advance.


New Member
Hello David and Suzanne,
In the Part II operational risk section, the videos for "Chaudhury, A Review of the Key Issues" and "Cope, Challenges and Pitfalls " are exactly the same. Is it normal?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

This has been corrected. The cope video was embedded (but the download was correct). You should now be able to view the Chaudhury video via embed/streaming mode.



Active Member
Hi... I havn't seen any of the notes for FRM part one book 4 valuation after the chapter on hull. The exam date is getting quite near (and i already started reviewing the first 3 books). Am i looking in the wrong location for these notes? if not when can i expect them to be published?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
delta123 Tuckman this week (I record this Fri & Sat), Gregory next week.

We will produce these videos by Oct 26th, which is -3 weeks exactly to the exam; at which point, we shift to proactively starting 2014 material, in anticipation of the new site launch on Nov 18th.