2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)


Active Member
I'm very confused. I'm studying for part 1 (and only have p1 membership). However i'm getting part 2 videos in my study planner i.e.

P2.Quantitative Miller, Chapter 4
P2.Quantitative Miller, Chapter 3
P2.Quantitative Miller, Chapter 2

When i open the video. It says p1 though. Also I havn't seen the GARP code of conduct T1 notes (last notes) even though they are planned to be released earlier than the videos.


Hi, When is Malz going to be published. Really, looking out for stuff related to operational and credit risk (especially video ) . Really facing hard time understanding concepts of credit risk.


New Member
Hi, One question, why the sequence of video published in calendar are being choosen from different topics. Like for part2 , in early august there are video being published for topic 6 and topic 8 and in sep we are again going back to topic 6. By this sequence i can't completly finish one topic and move to another one. Is there is a purpose behind it ?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Looking at my calendar, Topic 6 Videos are continuing from August into September. I think you might be getting the Study Notes mixed up with the Videos thinking they are switching back and forth. Please note on the calendar it will say: Notes = Study Notes and then Videos = Instructional Videos.



New Member
Thanks Suzanne.. that explains it. I was mising up Notes and videos.

Seems like Notes are being done first followed by videos.. make sense.


Hi David

In the calendar, i can see videos for Dowd Ch 3 and 7 but not Ch -4 and Ch -5. Is it because they correspond to aim's that are less important / testable from an exam perspective?



Thanks Suzanne - can the old videos be made available in such cases please? For e.g., there was a video previously that covered Jorion Ch 6 and Ch 11 but the new one has only Ch 6. The old video has been replaced with the new one; I am not sure if there was a Dowd video that covered Ch 4 and Ch 5. Keeping the old one till the new ones are recorded will be helpful.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Unfortunately, we are unable to continue making available the older videos as it would be confusing and not allow organization within the site. We are preparing for the launch of our new site. If any of the contents have been updated they would not be current any longer.

Thanks for understanding!



New Member
Suzanne, Just trying to understand . Are you saying that there are videos available for several topics(Even though they were recorded in 2012) for the topics that are still applicable for the current(Nov) exam but you will remove access to those and you won't be redoing/updating these video before the Nov exam.

Why would you want to take away material from members which would benefit them ? I understand if new videos were coming next week then people could wait for the transition period. I would rather have some video new ( if available) otherwise old for my nov exam..

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

The old videos will only be available until we have published new videos and/or started recording the new topic videos. Unfortunately, our old format will not fit with our new format nor the new format for the new site. We are recording contents individually by reading whereas previously we recorded them with multiple readings within a video.

Leaving up all of the old videos (even ones that we aren't recording immediately before the November exam) will cause a lot of confusion and mix-up with our current study planner.

All of the videos that we are recording are the "key" videos. I will not be removing the old videos until we've started/finished that particular topic. Having duplications won't help.

I hope that helps!


Hi Suzanne-

When you "I will not be removing the old videos until we've started/finished that particular topic" are you referring to for e.g. entire T5 or do you refer to a particular reading, for e.g. T5 Dowd that has 4 chapters assigned. I am asking because i can't see any Fabozzi T5 videos (which i vaguely remember was present earlier) and the new one is not due until September.

The other point is that the old videos covered multiple chapters in the same recording where as the new ones cover individual chapters which is good. However, since all topics won't be recorded before the November exam but the old ones will be removed, we won't be able to view some topics for which the content already exists. I realize i am being difficult but i think that making available content that already exists and till it gets replaced completely by new content will help the candidates.



I am not able to plan my studies as the videos or notes getting published as per the schedule. Readings are also scattered between months and not in sequence say for Credit Risk it spread in August and September. It is also surprising to hear that some of the material will be unavailable for Nov. exam as they are not important:( ( I could have understood if it would have been may exam).
Sorry if i am saying something off the record but this is what i feel and i thought i should discuss.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

It is impossible to always be 100% on all of the contents. There is a lot of time and effort that goes into recording the videos as well as prepping all of the content. We used to publish videos bulking them together with several readings. Our new approach which will provide higher quality videos structured specifically around a reading will be individualized per reading. We have a new study planner coming after the November exam which incorporates this new structure.


hi i am not able to find question set for "Robert Litterman and the Quantitative Resources Group, Modern Investment Management: An Equilibrium Approach (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2003) Chapter 17.Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement from PART 2, Text Book investments. This is suppose to be an old reading.:(