2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
It's that time of the year again. It's time to begin preparing for the 2013 FRM Exam.

In 2013, we are transitioning to a video for each key reading, such that during the first half of the year (i.e., before the May exam), we will only be publishing certain key videos. For example, Part 2, Topic 6 generally repeats from 2012 such that we will not re-record most of the essential Topic 6 material but only the certain new key readings. (In fact, for Topic 6, the majority of the 2012 videos are still applicable in 2013, as most of the AIMs are readings are unchanged).

This will allow us to build, by the November exam, a full library of videos (linked to readings) that is a more persistent resource. More importantly, this allows us to create higher-quality videos: rather that simply "read over" the AIMs, we can create shorter, more impactful videos. For example, the new T6 Tuckman videos are < 40 minutes (per reading) but generally, we think, will give you more effective coverage of the concepts.

Also, the 2013 FRM syllabus arrived late and with some complexity. These dates, before May, are merely target dates (and generally, with respect to the videos, they represent when we will begin new videos, not when we will finish videos).

As a reminder, we recommend that you utilize the premium study planner while you are preparing for the exam. If you have any questions during your studies or need clarification, please utilize our forum where David provides daily support.

Along with the contents in the calendar below, David writes fresh high-quality annotated practice questions daily through the work week.

Good luck in your studies!


Hello David or Suzanne,

I am trying to understand, when you say you will write practice questions daily, will those be included in the PDF format questions that are in your paid package? Or will these questions be posted somewhere else, like on the forum? I am currently working my way through your 2012 practice questions that are in your 2012 study planner in PDF format. Will I see an updated PDF with any 2013 questions included or will those be posted somewhere else to begin with and eventually updated in the PDF?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi anand99 - Starting next Monday, I will resume the fresh (new) Practice Question discipline; those fresh PQ, as usual, will first post to the forum (in individual sets of three). Simultaneously, we began the work of (i) updating/streamlining old PQ sets; and (ii) as usual, the accumulation of new question sets will be packaged into new PDFs and added to the Study Planner.

Short version: over time, the Study Planner will gradually update (as usual)

I am currently working on this plan, and I *may* post the specific PQ plan as well (i.e., which topics /chapters are next-in-line). I hope that explains, thanks!


New Member
Hi David/Suzzane,
I registered for the Level 1 FRM Exam and I am interested to purchase your material, however I am confused about Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Can you please explain the difference of all these. I also wanted to ask if the material is updated for 2013? Your help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Hi David and & Suzzane,

I have purchased the Part I and Part II material in 2011. But I have to re-take Part II in this May. I am wondering if I am able to get any discount if purchasing the Part II material this time.

Thanks a lot.


Hi Suzanne / David,

Are you going to do focus reviews this year - i am asking because i can't see it in the calendar. I found them very helpful while preparing for Part 1.



New Member
Hi Suzanne and David,

1) Based on your planner, we wont have study note until February. Is it correct?
2) For the practice question that you will post daily, will you post the question related to particular reading or comprehensive related to multiple reading including part 1 and 2?
3) If you will post the question that is related to particular reading, will you specify what particular reading you are referring to and where?



Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

There will not be focus reviews for the May exam. Unfortunately between now and May we only have the time to prepare the study notes, videos and pq. The focus reviews are prepared after the May exam to be available for those taking the exam in November.

You will still have access to the 2012 Focus Reviews though.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

1) Yes, it takes time to prepare and update the contents.
2) They will rotate between Part 1 & Part 2. We will do our best to fill in the blanks where questions do not currently exist for new readings.
3) Yes, we post which AIM it correlates with.



New Member
I have purchased FRM Study notes and Bionic Turtle L1 Tier2 materials. Can anyone in the forum suggest the sequence I should follow to grasp the material?
Should I follow the sequence that GARP exam preparation handbook lays out? Or should I begin with David's videos and study notes?
Do videos cover GARP reading list one on one ? I am trying to understand how these 3 study material complement /supplement each other and what is most productive method to make the most out of these.


New Member
Thanks Suzzane,

I have a few basic questions. I saw the 2013 calendar. I want to understand what is included in the study notes that would be released in February. Until the notes are released , I am planning to go through the videos and Garp study notes. Is that a good way. Can you offer any guidance.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member