FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time


New Member
I received my approval today but I want to ask if I need to pay for the membership fee before they mailed out, or will they just automatically mail out the certificate?

no wonder how to track if they mailed out or not, as they said will mail before 31/01/2021 while today is 10/02/2021


I received my approval today but I want to ask if I need to pay for the membership fee before they mailed out, or will they just automatically mail out the certificate?

no wonder how to track if they mailed out or not, as they said will mail before 31/01/2021 while today is 10/02/2021
You do not need to have membership, it is not a requirement. I do not have mine after a year of free membership. May I ask when did you submitted your work experience?


New Member
This process seems still pretty random, I submitted on 4/12/2020 (2 months to read a few lines of work experience) and still no reply. Really disappointing.


Active Member
Nothing yet on my end ladies & gents. They said expect it to come around end of March was the latest when I called & asked. And I took the exam in October with results and application in December


New Member
Hi everyone,
Submitted my work experience on December 4th and got approved today!
I politely informed GARP by email a few weeks ago that I was looking for job opportunities and it would help me to be certified, and they replied by asking for my ID a few days ago. I have no idea if it helped.


New Member
I also got approved yesterday.

I submitted Oct 24th last year.

Looks seems that many of us get certificated these two days. Congratulations to everyone.


New Member
May I check with I also got approved yesterday.
I submitted Oct 24th last year.

Looks seems that many of us get certificated these two days. Congratulations to everyone
I also got approved yesterday.

I submitted Oct 24th last year.

Looks seems that many of us get certificated these two days. Congratulations to everyone.
may I check with you for your email, the date of mail out is January?


New Member
Nothing yet, october exam & in december, after results were published, I immediately submitted. Also lots of reminders via email have not been answered. Extending the GARP membership is off the table, ideally I would like my money back.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
they finally replied to me after 10 email chasers. Saying that it will take 1-3 months or longer.
@Hedwig_who_has_red_socks Yes, this is what GARP told us also. I posted this a couple of weeks ago just to let everyone know.
For candidates still waiting on work experience approval

After trying to reach out to GARP to get information on candidates who have been waiting more than 8 weeks for their work experience approval, I've been told that "GARP is responding to all emails and phone calls received, and it is going to take months (plural) for all work experience to be approved/rejected. The team is simply overwhelmed and they are reviewing them in the order that they were received."

Please keep in mind that the above quote is from GARP, not me, so please don't shoot the messenger :confused: I have no other details, but because of this, I really am not going to be able to help by contacting GARP for anyone, even after the 8-week wait. I wish that I could do more, but there is nothing that I can do at this point. I'm receiving a lot of emails asking for help, and I just have to ask that you call or email GARP directly instead. I've tried my hardest to keep up and respond to everyone asking for help, and I apologize that I can't do more. I completely understand everyone's frustration!
Nothing yet, october exam & in december, after results were published, I immediately submitted. Also lots of reminders via email have not been answered. Extending the GARP membership is off the table, ideally I would like my money back.
Same here, October Exam and submitted work experience right away.
Still no feedback, just advertising for the SCR Exam :rolleyes:


New Member
As most of those who have commented here, I am waiting for GARP to approve my work experience, a task that I believe should not take more than 2 minutes.... I still do not understand how the process can take up to 3 months (or more), even if they have a lot of files to review. For an exam that cost 1,500 USD as a minimum, I find it extremely shocking and I start regreting having enrolled and spent so much time on this exam while not being able to leverage on my success.

I was just wondering: do some of you already use the "FRM" designation in their e-mail signatures, CV or linkedin profile. I know we should not, but this situation is due to a GARP failure. I wanted to have your thoughts on this.


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
As most of those who have commented here, I am waiting for GARP to approve my work experience, a task that I believe should not take more than 2 minutes.... I still do not understand how the process can take up to 3 months (or more), even if they have a lot of files to review. For an exam that cost 1,500 USD as a minimum, I find it extremely shocking and I start regreting having enrolled and spent so much time on this exam while not being able to leverage on my success.

I was just wondering: do some of you already use the "FRM" designation in their e-mail signatures, CV or linkedin profile. I know we should not, but this situation is due to a GARP failure. I wanted to have your thoughts on this.

@chill8064 While I completely understand your frustration with the work experience process, you should definitely NOT use the designation until your work experience has been approved. GARP has been very clear that the designation cannot be used until you have gone through the entire FRM certification process, which includes work experience approval. Once your work experience is approved, you can use the designation. You do not need to wait for the actual certificate in the mail.
As most of those who have commented here, I am waiting for GARP to approve my work experience, a task that I believe should not take more than 2 minutes.... I still do not understand how the process can take up to 3 months (or more), even if they have a lot of files to review. For an exam that cost 1,500 USD as a minimum, I find it extremely shocking and I start regreting having enrolled and spent so much time on this exam while not being able to leverage on my success.

I was just wondering: do some of you already use the "FRM" designation in their e-mail signatures, CV or linkedin profile. I know we should not, but this situation is due to a GARP failure. I wanted to have your thoughts on this.

Why do you even want to use the designation so eagerly ? Most companies , including mine (big 4) dont allow designations to be used in emails because then people can just go and get those pay to play certifications (wont name them but any "open book" certificate can fall under this) and then you will have signatures that are 4 lines long.

when it comes to hiring or CV then I really do not think it is a deal breaker in terms whether you get recruited it or not , even the regulator in my country does not know what the FRM is. I think you could also say FRM pending work experience verification or whatever they allow you to put on their website.


New Member
Why do you even want to use the designation so eagerly ? Most companies , including mine (big 4) dont allow designations to be used in emails because then people can just go and get those pay to play certifications (wont name them but any "open book" certificate can fall under this) and then you will have signatures that are 4 lines long.

when it comes to hiring or CV then I really do not think it is a deal breaker in terms whether you get recruited it or not , even the regulator in my country does not know what the FRM is. I think you could also say FRM pending work experience verification or whatever they allow you to put on their website.
I was just wondering.
I mean, if I passed this exam, it is to leverage on it. It's like having succeded your Master and not being able to communicate on it.
And I have to say that the main reason why I passed the FRM is to use it as a credential...


New Member
I am sure GARP would be much faster validating experience if there was membership fee for everyone. I find it hypocritical the claim GARP is « not-for-profit « organisation


New Member
According to their annual report, their net assets increased by ~$10m in 2019; I cannot understand why they do not hire a few temporary employees to check these few lines of text according to a clearly defined guideline.

I have spent now more time checking this thread & garp.com for updates than preparing for both exams in total


Active Member

chill8064 - I hear your frustration, but no we can't use their designation...YET.​

As for an update, I haven't heard back from them at all. One of my close buddies that also took the exam with me, he received his about 2 weeks ago. I actually work in ERM and practice the market risk principles taught here in my daily work-to-work processes, so I can't imagine it being that hard where they need help validating it as an acceptable criteria for work experience.

Similar to Nicole & David, I, too, feel for all the candidates like myself we studied and sat (risking life & limb through a pandemic) to pass an exam only to get back-handed like this; and then you get this level of rejection from customer service. It definitely leaves a bitter aftertaste and it's not going away anytime soon. Long story short, I will update once I get mine but I have a feeling that my first call to GARP and after I let them know a little of my mind, I think they probably "found" my application and just kicked to the end of the pile as retaliation. October taker, December applicant.


Active Member
Hey everyone,

New to the thread here, so forgive me for being uneducated on this. :confused:

I cleared FRM part 2 in January 2021 (got the results earlier this week). I was able to submit my work experience, work and manager/supervisor contact information earlier this week as well. Just wondering if those who have had their exp. approved already can advise if there is some sort of notification when GARP begins reviewing your submission? I got an e-mail notice that they had received my submission...is there something similar once they get the review underway?

Also, I only submitted just a few words above the 100 word minimum requirement in the job description field. Does GARP ever reject submissions for lack of detail?
