FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time

I have attached a snapshot of the latest conversation that I had with member services, garp as well as the submission status here for reference. Let me know if you'd want me to forward the entire conversation that I've had with the member services to you. Appreciate your help on this though I have seriously given up on this. Additionally I noticed that GARP has not released the list of qualified FRMS for Q3,Q4 2020 on their website. I don't understand why is that the case either.
Here's a link https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/our-certified-frms which shows the information of newly certified FRMS
Hi @Nicole Seaman ,

I don't know how to thank you for helping me out on this issue. Within 20 minutes after receiving your reply on my email, I got the email confirmation from garp about my work experience verification. Again thanks a ton for helping me out on this! I do wish if I can change my nick from waiting_to_get_verified to bionic_turtle_helped_me_to_get_verfied :p


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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi @Nicole Seaman ,

I don't know how to thank you for helping me out on this issue. Within 20 minutes after receiving your reply on my email, I got the email confirmation from garp about my work experience verification. Again thanks a ton for helping me out on this!
@waiting_to_get_verified I'm happy to see that they contacted you. I'm always happy to help. Hopefully, more candidates will receive an email this week!


Active Member
"Fools", said I, "You do not know..
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you [GARP]
Take my arms that I might reach you [GARP]"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed..
In the wells of silence
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New Member
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand candidates, maybe more
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.

BT should offer this service; for $49 extra, you save up to 3 months of waiting time.


New Member
it’s also sad while I submitted on 5th December, 2020 while there is still no news.

should probably wait for few more weeks and seek for help


Active Member
I just called GARP and "we are projected to have work experience reviewed in about another one to two months" due to the high volume of candidates...

What volume?

From both the October and November takers sir.

Right. But you probably had more cancelations and withdrawals.

Did you have any other questions sir?


It's just unreal, I can't even put it into words really.


New Member
What are they even reviewing? Is it simply the short description given? I think CFA or similar certifications also require proofs of work experience which have to be reviewed, but this does not seem to be the case with FRM (at least I was not asked to provide any reference letter or similar)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I moved all of the posts regarding 2020 work experience verification to this new thread. I created this new thread because our Work Experience Verification thread is really getting filled up with complaints about GARP and the verification process for 2020 during the pandemic (which is not the normal process). We want members in the future to be able to go to the verification thread and read through comments about the normal verification process, and the current thread is becoming very unhelpful. We ask that you please keep all 2020 discussions about work experience verification in this thread. Thank you.


Active Member
Yes cfa institute requires references. And yes, they do call your references. But even then it only took them two weeks to get my experience processed to become a charterholder. Not sure what FRM does, they must be reading between the lines


New Member
I just called GARP and "we are projected to have work experience reviewed in about another one to two months" due to the high volume of candidates...

What volume?

From both the October and November takers sir.

Right. But you probably had more cancelations and withdrawals.

Did you have any other questions sir?


It's just unreal, I can't even put it into words really.

I also don't understand the volume explanation. Although anecdotal, it sounds like most people sat for their exams in much smaller groups than in prior exams. I submitted my work experience on December 4, and the status is still, "submission received."


After what happened with our exam, I do not have high hopes. I am just happy at least I passed. 'One to two months' seems like more 'more than 2 months'. Also out of curiosity I have not seen any passing rate so far for 2020.


New Member
I submitted my working experience on 4th Dec. 2020, and got the feedback from GARP on 17th Jan. 2021 which said my working experience is not sufficient. The exact words was ‘ Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account
and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date.

I have worked in banking industry as corporate relationship manager for 7.5 years. And my daily work is including but not limited analysis, recognize, control, limit and monitor the credit risk of my customers. The curriculums of FRM examination, like credit risk, market risk & liquidity risk, are all relevant with my day-to-day work. I can’t figure out why I was rejected.

From my perspective, the rejected reason only was the insufficient mailing address? I am really confused why GARP cannot contact me directly to provide an useful mailing address instead of returning my submission.......... I emailed GARP twice, never get any answers.......... Any one can help me?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I submitted my working experience on 4th Dec. 2020, and got the feedback from GARP on 17th Jan. 2021 which said my working experience is not sufficient. The exact words was ‘ Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date.

I have worked in banking industry as corporate relationship manager for 7.5 years. And my daily work is including but not limited analysis, recognize, control, limit and monitor the credit risk of my customers. The curriculums of FRM examination, like credit risk, market risk & liquidity risk, are all relevant with my day-to-day work. I can’t figure out why I was rejected.

From my perspective, the rejected reason only was the insufficient mailing address? I am really confused why GARP cannot contact me directly to provide an useful mailing address instead of returning my submission.......... I emailed GARP twice, never get any answers.......... Any one can help me?
Hello @LilyLI

We unfortunately do not have any inside information regarding GARP's work experience process, but I would highly recommend calling them instead of sending an email. From the discussions in the forum the past few months, it seems that more people have had better luck getting in touch with GARP by calling. Emails seem to be taking twice as long. I do hope that you can get in touch with them so you can get this sorted out.


I submitted my working experience on 4th Dec. 2020, and got the feedback from GARP on 17th Jan. 2021 which said my working experience is not sufficient. The exact words was ‘ Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date.

I have worked in banking industry as corporate relationship manager for 7.5 years. And my daily work is including but not limited analysis, recognize, control, limit and monitor the credit risk of my customers. The curriculums of FRM examination, like credit risk, market risk & liquidity risk, are all relevant with my day-to-day work. I can’t figure out why I was rejected.

From my perspective, the rejected reason only was the insufficient mailing address? I am really confused why GARP cannot contact me directly to provide an useful mailing address instead of returning my submission.......... I emailed GARP twice, never get any answers.......... Any one can help me?
Personally, I am also worried for my work experience confirmation. After I submitted my experience, I read the FRM Q&A about work experience submission. It says following: "We require at least 4-5 sentences that describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function. This should include a minimum of 300 words in your job description." I think that 4-5 sentences is far from 300 words. At least I do not tend to write very long sentences. 300 words is not asked in the submission, only mentioning of 4-5 sentences. So now I am confused....

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@SheOlya that is interesting, I think you have a great point. Here is the FAQ:
"When can I submit my work experience?
Once a candidate receives an email notification that they passed the FRM Exam Part II, they will need to submit two years of professional, full-time work experience to the dashboard in their account under “My Programs”. We require at least 4-5 sentences that describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function. This should include a minimum of 300 words in your job description."

GARP is often not very precise. Can you tell me, is the work description one single freeform field? Or, is it a form with several fields? Because if the average sentence is 20 words, let's be 2x conservative and say that a long sentence is 40 words. So 4-5 sentences = 160 to 200 words, very conservatively (aggressively?). It seems to me that, for most of us, 300 words >> 5 sentences. Does the phrase "job description" refer to the field's label; does the Work Experience template ask for both a "job description" and for you to "describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function"? It seems possible this simple FAQ instruction is not quite coherent ...

Nevertheless, can I just give some advice about work experience requirements? I think you should view it as essentially a selling task. Of course, integrity demands we are truthful (when doing anything including selling ourselves). But it's also not time to sell yourself short with excess humility, either. I've had to populate this sort of form a lot (too many times!) in my curious career. Any job can be described a thousand different ways. You want to emphasize the relevant tasks, however small, and "sell" the aspects of your experience that are relevant. I just leased a new car last weekend, the car salesperson was atypically helpful, and I believe that I could attempt to qualify his work experience (including the nice F&I lady) as satisfying the FRM work experience requirements. Don't get me wrong, it would require creativity. Be confident that your experience obviously meets the requirement and work backwards from the goal of convincing somebody who doesn't know you. FWIW.
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This what stands when you submit work experience:
We require a minimum of two years professional full-time work experience in the area of financial/energy risk management or another related field. Including, but not limited to: trading, portfolio management, academia (tenure track faulty), industry research, economics, auditing, risk consulting and or risk technology. Your description should include a minimum of 4 sentences on how you use financial or energy risk in your day-to-day work.

Then you can add every position of relevant work experience. Each of them include the field with the place of work, manager, position, beginning and end of the position and at last a field with description.

I have 2.5 years of experience, so two positions with overall 9 sentences and 226 words in total.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@SheOlya Thank you, that is helpful (please forgive, I got my FRM in 2004 so i don't even recall what we did then ...). I can see now how the job description is conveyed: like a resume with fields (place, manager, position, dates, description). Can I ask you, in addition to this series-of-jobs, is there also an overall freeform field where you "describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function," or does that refer to the same resume-like job description field that happens to be current/latest job? I could imaging both (i) a typical job/duty description and also (ii) a field where the candidate focuses on the relevance of the current job to risk, but maybe there is not such an additional field. Just trying to understand if this--"Your description should include a minimum of 4 sentences on how you use financial or energy risk in your day-to-day work."--is separately captured or meant to be embedded once/multiple times. Thank you!
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