FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time


@SheOlya Thank you, that is helpful (please forgive, I got my FRM in 2004 so i don't even recall what we did then ...). I can see now how the job description is conveyed: like a resume with fields (place, manager, position, dates, description). Can I ask you, in addition to this series-of-jobs, is there also an overall freeform field where you "describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function," or does that refer to the same resume-like job description field that happens to be current/latest job? I could imaging both (i) a typical job/duty description and also (ii) a field where the candidate focuses on the relevance of the current job to risk, but maybe there is not such an additional field. Just trying to understand if this--"Your description should include a minimum of 4 sentences on how you use financial or energy risk in your day-to-day work."--is separately captured or meant to be embedded once/multiple times. Thank you!
There is no other fields. Looks like CV format. So you need to incorporate that to the job description.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@SheOlya Thank you, I wish I could see it, because frankly the design sounds like it might be sub-optimal. We're all accustomed to populating resume/CV listings with Job Description fields. But those tend to be factual atomic itemizations of duties/responsibilities. (I did something like this for the CFP work experience requirement. But, in addition to the typical atomic job description listing, I got to write a paragraph on why my job(s) required the relevant financial advisor experience, even where they might not appear as such. So, to me, especially for those who are literal in listing their job roles and worried about relevance, I'd want to see an additional field where the candidate can offer interpretation as to why their job(s) contained relevant experience.


New Member
Personally, I am also worried for my work experience confirmation. After I submitted my experience, I read the FRM Q&A about work experience submission. It says following: "We require at least 4-5 sentences that describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function. This should include a minimum of 300 words in your job description." I think that 4-5 sentences is far from 300 words. At least I do not tend to write very long sentences. 300 words is not asked in the submission, only mentioning of 4-5 sentences. So now I am confused....
Personally, I am also worried for my work experience confirmation. After I submitted my experience, I read the FRM Q&A about work experience submission. It says following: "We require at least 4-5 sentences that describe how you manage financial risk in your day-to-day job function. This should include a minimum of 300 words in your job description." I think that 4-5 sentences is far from 300 words. At least I do not tend to write very long sentences. 300 words is not asked in the submission, only mentioning of 4-5 sentences. So now I am confused....
I submitted my working experience on 4th Dec. 2020, and got the feedback from GARP on 17th Jan. 2021 which said my working experience is not sufficient. The exact words was ‘ Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date.

I have worked in banking industry as corporate relationship manager for 7.5 years. And my daily work is including but not limited analysis, recognize, control, limit and monitor the credit risk of my customers. The curriculums of FRM examination, like credit risk, market risk & liquidity risk, are all relevant with my day-to-day work. I can’t figure out why I was rejected.

From my perspective, the rejected reason only was the insufficient mailing address? I am really confused why GARP cannot contact me directly to provide an useful mailing address instead of returning my submission.......... I emailed GARP twice, never get any answers.......... Any one can help me?
I updated my mailing address and submitted my working experience again, because my submission was returned. I guess I will wait for more 6-8 weeks. I really don’t understand why they can’t just contact me directly to ask a right mailing address instead of returning all submission......... confused........ It’s hard to say GARP is a ‘professional institution’


New Member
I also don't understand the volume explanation. Although anecdotal, it sounds like most people sat for their exams in much smaller groups than in prior exams. I submitted my work experience on December 4, and the status is still, "submission received."
Yes, I'm replying to myself... But additionally, what impact would November submissions have on those from the October exam? I think it is a safe assumption that most people who passed in October would have submitted their work experience before the November results were even announced.


Active Member
I just read through this. I work in ERM. I think after reading the stuff you guys have recorded, I think i'll likely get rejected too. Did they just e-mail you the rejections or did you have to find out by yourself by logging ing?
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
How can they say my mailing address is wrong ?
Hello @marcreaidi

If GARP did not accept your submission because of your mailing address, I recommend trying to contact them to see what the issue is if you know that you submitted the correct address. I suggest calling instead of sending an email, as it seems that recently more people have been able to get answers over the phone more quickly than email.
Hello @marcreaidi

If GARP did not accept your submission because of your mailing address, I recommend trying to contact them to see what the issue is if you know that you submitted the correct address. I suggest calling instead of sending an email, as it seems that recently more people have been able to get answers over the phone more quickly than email.
Thank you , i resubmitted and hopefully it is fine now . Where i live we dont have zip codes or street numbers so maybe that was the problem


New Member

I updated my mailing address and submitted my working experience again, because my submission was returned. I guess I will wait for more 6-8 weeks. I really don’t understand why they can’t just contact me directly to ask a right mailing address instead of returning all submission......... confused........ It’s hard to say GARP is a ‘professional institution’

You are exteremely lucky that you got a reply so quick. Had submitted my work experience details on Oct 12. It's been more than 3 months and I'm still waiting for some communication from their end.


New Member
Submitted 4th December, very same day the results were released. No feedback yet. What I thought would be just routine check turns already to agony. Will definitely contact if I don’t get any feedback from GARP until February. For comparison CFA validates experience in around a week and I am sure they have much more candidates than GARP to go through. But then ofc CFA has incentive to do this as they receive membership fees.
Somebody on LinkedIn posted his verification results. From my research, he sat for the Oct 2020 exam too. But I also see a majority of passers from different forums who haven't received any feedback at all apart from adverts/promotional material on SCR.


New Member
its nearly 2 whole months and nothing is being changed, nor do them reply my email.

just wondering if GARP is a professional institution offering this quality of services.


New Member
read all the posts here on this topic. I submitted my job description on 1/5 and has been checking the status everyday. It seems I dont even need to think about it now as clearly GARP is not up to the task. Seeing some people have been waiting for more than two months without getting any confirmation, I am starting to feel deeply disappointed about the administrative capability of GARP. Can we file a complain to their Sr. Management? Is there any channel for that? This kind of operational inefficiency and lack of a smart, effective certification system (as David mentioned) shall not be allowed to continue. Think about this, we the candidates, spent all those hard hours in preparing and taking the exam, and pay the money to the organization, yet, all our hard efforts, and our yearning for that final recognition, are just getting ignored and disregarded by this bureaucratic procrastination, and stupidity (like the case when the work experience got rejected due to what they think as a mailing address error. On what base they determine the mailing address is wrong if provided by the candidate himself? Do they think they know better than the candidate about where he lives?). What a shame! We should be organized and complain as a group to GARP!


Active Member
I just called. She was a lot nicer this time at least, I'll give them that much compared to the prior.

But it's the same tune...few more weeks. She said the review committee is working to 'bang it out' as soon as possible. So long story short, there's no real update and she said she appreciates all your hard work and patience in these trying and difficult times.


New Member

I updated my mailing address and submitted my working experience again, because my submission was returned. I guess I will wait for more 6-8 weeks. I really don’t understand why they can’t just contact me directly to ask a right mailing address instead of returning all submission......... confused........ It’s hard to say GARP is a ‘professional institution’
Something similar for me:
I submitted my work ex on 6th Dec 2020 and have received the following reply from GARP on 16th Jan 2021:

"Thank you for your recent submission for Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) Certification. Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date."

I have my mailing address updated on the website. Not sure why I have got this response.

And my mailing address is based out of India. So not sure how can they verify if it is correct before actually mailing. I emailed member services immediately for the explanation. However i haven't got any response yet (as on 30 Jan).
Can you please suggest me on how to proceed with the same? Thanks


New Member
Something similar for me:
I submitted my work ex on 6th Dec 2020 and have received the following reply from GARP on 16th Jan 2021:

"Thank you for your recent submission for Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) Certification. Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date."

I have my mailing address updated on the website. Not sure why I have got this response.

And my mailing address is based out of India. So not sure how can they verify if it is correct before actually mailing. I emailed member services immediately for the explanation. However i haven't got any response yet (as on 30 Jan).
Can you please suggest me on how to proceed with the same? Thanks
While I'm glad to hear ashu309 received some kind of response, this raises another question/concern. I submitted my work experience on December 4, 2020. The "Confirmation of CV Submission" e-mail states that, "Submissions are reviewed in the order they were received." As of today, my status remains, "Submission Received."

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Something similar for me:
I submitted my work ex on 6th Dec 2020 and have received the following reply from GARP on 16th Jan 2021:

"Thank you for your recent submission for Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) Certification. Unfortunately, the work experience you have submitted is not sufficient. As a reminder, to become a Certified FRM, you must complete both Part I and Part II of the Exam and submit evidence of two years of full-time, professional work experience in financial risk. Your submission was denied because:
Insufficient mailing address to deliver certificate. Please login to your GARP account and enter a complete mailing address to ensure successful delivery by UPS.
To fulfill the work experience requirement, please log in to your account and submit at least four to five sentences on how you have used financial risk in your day-to-day work for a minimum of two years. If your experience qualifies, we will mail you your certificate at the next mailing date."

I have my mailing address updated on the website. Not sure why I have got this response.

And my mailing address is based out of India. So not sure how can they verify if it is correct before actually mailing. I emailed member services immediately for the explanation. However i haven't got any response yet (as on 30 Jan).
Can you please suggest me on how to proceed with the same? Thanks
Hello @ashu309

I suggest trying to call GARP rather than sending an email, as it seems that more people have been able to get a quicker response over the phone.


Active Member
While I'm glad to hear ashu309 received some kind of response, this raises another question/concern. I submitted my work experience on December 4, 2020. The "Confirmation of CV Submission" e-mail states that, "Submissions are reviewed in the order they were received." As of today, my status remains, "Submission Received."
Mines always been "submission received"