FAQ After Exam Work Experience Verifying Time


New Member
Hey everyone,

New to the thread here, so forgive me for being uneducated on this. :confused:

I cleared FRM part 2 in January 2021 (got the results earlier this week). I was able to submit my work experience, work and manager/supervisor contact information earlier this week as well. Just wondering if those who have had their exp. approved already can advise if there is some sort of notification when GARP begins reviewing your submission? I got an e-mail notice that they had received my submission...is there something similar once they get the review underway?

Also, I only submitted just a few words above the 100 word minimum requirement in the job description field. Does GARP ever reject submissions for lack of detail?

in the same boat buddy - just mentioned 103 words in the Job Description field!!


New Member
Hello there.
I had applied for Work experience certification some time back. In My Programs> FRM on GARP's website, the status shows as 'Submission Received'. However, in the adjacent text box, I get the below statement as their comment.

We will be unable to add you to our roster of Certified FRMs until you have provided us with the appropriate documentation of two years of professional work experience.

I'm not sure what kind of 'appropriate documentation' they require. Moreso, they have not provided a field to attach any document.

To the ones whose work experience got approved- Were you required to furnish any other documents such as Employment Contract or Letter of Acknowledgement from the employer? If so, where did you attach these and what documents did you provide?

To the ones currently applying- Are you facing the same issue? If so, how do you plan to tackle it?


Active Member
I think you're fine because that's what I get too after my application. Because if you view your submission it has the dates of your work experience and if it adds up to 2 years then it should count.


New Member
In 2019, candidates used to get their experience verified in 2 weeks (which still seems a lot to me). I wonder how did exactly the pandemic impacted the verification process? I can imagine the procedure is slowed due to high number of candidates but where are they coming from given that so many exams were cancelled?
In 2019, candidates used to get their experience verified in 2 weeks (which still seems a lot to me). I wonder how did exactly the pandemic impacted the verification process? I can imagine the procedure is slowed due to high number of candidates but where are they coming from given that so many exams were cancelled?
In 2019, candidates used to get their experience verified in 2 weeks (which still seems a lot to me). I wonder how did exactly the pandemic impacted the verification process? I can imagine the procedure is slowed due to high number of candidates but where are they coming from given that so many exams were cancelled?
In 2019, candidates used to get their experience verified in 2 weeks (which still seems a lot to me). I wonder how did exactly the pandemic impacted the verification process? I can imagine the procedure is slowed due to high number of candidates but where are they coming from given that so many exams were cancelled?
you cant just blame everything on the pandemic , it has been here more than a year so they should learn to cope


New Member
My bonus 2020 payout is in March, determined end of February and partly depends on receiving the FRM certification.
I reached out to GARP via email that their lack of action will cost me quite some money - no response.

I really do not get it. Reading roughly 150 words per candidate that spends a lot of money on the certification should not be a problem. Why not hiring temporary workers and they could get that done according to a policy in short time?

In my opinion, GARP is playing with its reputation. Each candidate experiencing this right now will probably not participate in any future GARP network activities. What is it worth to have a certificate issued by an institution with a potential reputation like this? I really spent quite some time on learning for the FRM. I really start to regret this...
My bonus 2020 payout is in March, determined end of February and partly depends on receiving the FRM certification.
I reached out to GARP via email that their lack of action will cost me quite some money - no response.

I really do not get it. Reading roughly 150 words per candidate that spends a lot of money on the certification should not be a problem. Why not hiring temporary workers and they could get that done according to a policy in short time?

In my opinion, GARP is playing with its reputation. Each candidate experiencing this right now will probably not participate in any future GARP network activities. What is it worth to have a certificate issued by an institution with a potential reputation like this? I really spent quite some time on learning for the FRM. I really start to regret this...
Come on man ! I doubt your bonus will be affected by whether you have the certificate or not. I worked on bonus committees before , trust me it does not work that way.

Anyways , just let it go . You did your part by passing the exams. This is not within your control so just relax and feel proud about your accomplishment rather than stressing about the easy party , which is being patient.

There could also be a reason why they make you wait for 5 weeks because lots of people tend to fake their experiences and would you rather have a certificate that everyone with a fake experience has ?

Trust me , no one in your company probably cares whether you are certified or not . To them you are just a number and the FRM wont get you a better pay or a better position , only your contacts and people skills will


New Member
In my opinion, GARP is playing with its reputation. Each candidate experiencing this right now will probably not participate in any future GARP network activities. What is it worth to have a certificate issued by an institution with a potential reputation like this? I really spent quite some time on learning for the FRM. I really start to regret this...
I am considering an ESG certification in the coming months.
I thought about the SCR certificate provided by GARP, but this unprofessional attitude towards us made me change my mind. I am now looking for one that is provided by CFA UK which is a bit different, but looks great.


New Member
I also wrote twice demanding transparent communication on the expected date for verification of experience (submitted 04/12). As you can guess - ignored. I am sure that even those who submitted January are wondering why it takes so much time. In any case it is huge damage on the reputation of the Institution


New Member
I just got approved while i submitted my work experience on 4 Jan.
I feel sorry for those who applied earlier and who are still waiting: maybe it is because I send them 2 or 3 e-mails to ask them to accelerate the process.


New Member
I just got approved while i submitted my work experience on 4 Jan.
I feel sorry for those who applied earlier and who are still waiting: maybe it is because I send them 2 or 3 e-mails to ask them to accelerate the process.
I was sure the verification was not on « first come first served » principle. If GARP can mess something it will do it


I am also tired of waiting and hearing people already approved while they submitted work experience after me. So unprofessional from their side!


New Member
I just got approved while i submitted my work experience on 4 Jan.
I feel sorry for those who applied earlier and who are still waiting: maybe it is because I send them 2 or 3 e-mails to ask them to accelerate the process.

I called GARP and they go on like a broken record about their glorious queue system, which by definition means first come first serve. When I reminded the lady about the definition of queue, she just disregarded and went on about how they are flooded with work. When I asked her, how is it that there are people who submitted their work experience one month after me and yet got a response before me, she just disregarded that too. She also mentioned a period of 3 months and said, since I am towards to end of my 3 months deadline, I should receive their response by the end of this month (submitted work experience on 4th dec 2020).

By the way, she did mention that when my application will be picked up by the system, my supervisors will be contacted. Does anyone know if their supervisors/managers were contact in this regard?

I called GARP and they go on like a broken record about their glorious queue system, which by definition means first come first serve. When I reminded the lady about the definition of queue, she just disregarded and went on about how they are flooded with work. When I asked her, how is it that there are people who submitted their work experience one month after me and yet got a response before me, she just disregarded that too. She also mentioned a period of 3 months and said, since I am towards to end of my 3 months deadline, I should receive their response by the end of this month (submitted work experience on 4th dec 2020).

By the way, she did mention that when my application will be picked up by the system, my supervisors will be contacted. Does anyone know if their supervisors/managers were contact in this regard?
Man you need to relax , the queue system is not working because people keep calling to get themselves ahead of others. Just let it go , it says 3 months so wait 3 months


Active Member
GARP released the January 2021 exam results two weeks ahead of schedule due to "the compressed exam schedule".

Mr Spock would argue that "Logic dictates they will now be able to review candidate WE submissions for similar reasons..." ;)


New Member
Mine finally was approved. Submitted on 4th December. The email arrived on Sunday early morning - I guess they are actually working around the clock if they approve and send this out on a Saturday. Patience pays off.


Active Member
I noticed on my online dashboard that there is now a bolded sentence advising that my submission is currently under review. While I cannot be sure, I don't think this was there in the days immediately after submitting my work experience.

Does anyone know if this means that the committee is actually looking at the work experience?

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I noticed on my online dashboard that there is now a bolded sentence advising that my submission is currently under review. While I cannot be sure, I don't think this was there in the days immediately after submitting my work experience.

Does anyone know if this means that the committee is actually looking at the work experience?

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This notice was there since I submitted my experience.