Spreadsheet 2011.T4.a.2


Can you repost this spreadsheet? I think the link broke, or something. When I try to access this spreasheet, it looks like I'm getting the zoho sign-in page.



Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Both of these have been updated and confirmed to be working.

Thanks, Suzanne!

The formulas in 2011.T4.b.4 are also hosed up. I think it's the way the cells were named, but I can't seem to make it work... Thanks!

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Thanks Alison. I commented under your comment there, but just incase here is my response:

I apologize for the inconvenience. David will have to go into zoho to correct these formulas. Zoho online is meant to be a redundant “back up” to Excel. Sometimes, the zoho implementation is glitchy. In the meantime, can you download directly via the download link in the right sidebar (Download XLS)? This will allow you to download the spreadsheet directly to your hard drive and open them in excel. All of the formulas should be correct in excel.
