Passed part 1 and part 2 but not yet certified FRM


Active Member
I just got approved as well. Thank goodness!

Best of luck to everyone on here and thanks again for everyone's support!



New Member
I have uploaded my experience on 3rd Aug 2012, but still have not received any response :(
does most of the verification mails to everyone come only around last week ?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Typically it can take approximately a month, however I don't know about timing (if it's only a certain period within the week/month, etc.). If you don't hear back soon, I'd recommend that you inquire with GARP.



New Member
I submitted my CV on July 6th. I emailed GARP about the status of verifying my work experience, but all they can say is they are looking at CV submissions in the order they received it. It's been over 8 weeks now, I find this rather disappointing that it could take them so long.


Well-Known Member
RK17 i think you shall recieve your certificate by the end of this month. may be its laziness on the part of garp people or that your CV is last in the line of CVs which needs to be verified whatever be the case you just keep your cool.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

Can you please send me an email with your information and I will engage with GARP directly? I've been told that 8 weeks is typically too long, so if you can send me that information I would be more than glad to assist you further with an answer from GARP.

You can email [email protected] and/or [email protected].



New Member
Thank you Suzanne, I sent you an email.

A bit of a rant...
I tend to agree with Suzanne that 8 weeks is too long from a process perspective. This exam was administered 4 months ago. They provide an unofficial timeline of 1-4 weeks :
Assuming the CV submission is still in queue after 8+ weeks, it gives Garp an image of lack of organization (maybe understaffed?) and lack of integrity (says one thing and doesn't deliver). If you recall, they were also late in posting the passing candidates list for the May session. This is in addition to another more controversial topic where the sample exams they provide are marred with errors for all sample exams I've seen. My hope is that Garp improves in these points so that it is an organization that we can be proud to be part of.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
We just assisted (2) more customers to become certified whom had been waiting approximately 8 weeks for their work experience to be verified. They have now been approved :) If anyone else has been waiting in excess of 4 weeks, please feel free to email Suzanne @ [email protected] or [email protected] and we will do our best to assist you too!


New Member
Thanks Suzanne, I have sent you the details on email.

It seems that CV verification process takes more than 7-8 weeks.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Another wonderful day at! We've just assisted (4) more registrants (one was not even one of our customers) whom have been waiting 6-8+ weeks for their work experience to be verified. Those (4) are now able to use the FRM designation. Congratulations to all on having earned (yes, you earned it) your FRM.


New Member
Yup, that was me. Thanks to Suzy and David, I got verified...finally after over 2 months of waiting and emailing them.....All I can say is BT is a class act. I wish I could say that about GARP.


New Member
Just received my email, thanks to Nicole for following up with GARP.
My wait was little long - submitted 15-Jan, feeling good now :)