Passed part 1 and part 2 but not yet certified FRM

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
They obviously changed that to FRM Holder.

I sure hope they don't change the Certification Policy about obsolete experience and make it applicable to all May 2012 FRM Holders :(

That would really be bad :(


David Harper, CFA, FRM, CIPM

My thoughts precisely. There would a huge misuse of the term "FRM Holder" - employers are not aware of many intricacies.

This was one of my thoughts when I suggested that GARP should have stricter Ethics control and enforcement. Perhaps they can adopt CFAI as their "Big Brother" and learn from the experience of 50 years of conducting a professional exam. I do not intend to say that GARP is doing things wrong, just that sometimes it is easier to learn by someone else's mistake than by our own.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hend Abuenein,

I have brought this issue up to my contact at GARP. She agreed that this needs to be addressed clearly on the website, therefore I'm assuming the policy in which you were told is true. The problem I have is: If noone was aware of this policy and was only going by what the website stated, how can they hold accountable those that sat for the exam in May 2012 and previous? I would understand if they started this from November 2012 and beyond.

Hopefully they will provide me a little more insight next week. Please keep me posted on your end as I will do mine.



New Member
I have just received the confirmation e-mail, "Thank you for submitting your CV you can now use the FRM designation".
I have uploaded my CV on 6th of July.

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Dear David Harper, CFA, FRM, CIPM and Suzanne Evans,

Thank you, thank you, and thank you endlessly.

Today I became a Certified FRM following the issue you brought to my and GARP's attention yesterday.
After writing to them, I submitted my relevant experience through filling the form on their website, and today I received a notice that my experience has been accepted, and I can start using the FRM designation.

I also received a reply regarding the age of accepted experience, I share the core of the message with you here :

At this time you should have already received a notice that your experience is considered valid and you are considered a Certificate FRM at this time. (Typo from original message)

We apologize for this miss-communication as your 2 years of relative experience, regardless of when it occurred, should never have been in question. This issue has been addressed with our customer service team and will certainly not occur again.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

I thank you again, and I'm so glad I didn't leave the forums after passing part 2.

Warm regards

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Wow, I am so thrilled about this outcome! Thank you for sharing. I really must give GARP credit for their responsiveness; few associations would have been this responsive. They reacted quickly and earnestly on this issue. Thank you GARP.

And, again, Suzanne Evans deserves the credit: she identified the discrepancy. Awesome!

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Yesssssss :)
I'm so glad and grateful that she did.

And to think that I shied away from commenting on this thread that I was rejected :( That cost me two months of depression.


Active Member
One question to all those who have had their experience verified by GARP...

Did they authenticate your experience with your manager?

I asked my boss recently and he said that he has not yet received any queries from GARP regarding this...

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
No troubleshooter , they only do that if you want them to. otherwise, you accept the statement that what you submitted is truthful, and if it proves not, GARP has the right to withdraw your certification.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hend Abuenein,

Thank you for your kind words. I care about each and every one of you and am more than glad to bring something to someone's attention when it is warranted. I'm glad to know that my reaching out has made such a difference in your life. I hate to hear that you've been going through this for two months. I wish I had known earlier so I could have helped, however I understand your position on not wanting to post in the forum that you were denied. Please don't be afraid to bring anything to David and/or my attention privately via email if that is the route that it needs to go. We are here to help and this has honestly made my day as well.

I too have passed my sincere thanks to our contact at GARP for their quick responsiveness.

Thanks again! Don't be a stranger :)



Hend Abuenein
This is indeed wonderful news. Wish those 2 months could also have been avoided.
Very happy for you.

Waiting to see your pic on GARP facebook with the Certificate in October :cool: