Passed part 1 and part 2 but not yet certified FRM

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
No says so by default after I passed Part II.

Now tell me please...what's the difference between filling the form on the site and submitting the resume?
And where do you submit it?


That is how they are showing in the status, then.
"FRM Holder" for ones with P2 passed and "Certified FRM" for ones with CV approved.

You do not have to submit a "pdf or doc" CV. All you have to do is go to
and fill in the form.

Did you not get the mail from GARP yet, regarding this?

No says so by default after I passed Part II.

Now tell me please...what's the difference between filling the form on the site and submitting the resume?
And where do you submit it?


Relax! They will send you a reminder mail to upload your CV for the certified FRM status. In fact, the congratulatory mail for your P2 passing would have contained 2 lines regarding this. And you need not wait for the mail - just go ahead and upload your CV if you are confident of the 2 years.

Anyways, the next deadline is far off - Sep21. Experience and the Certification Process

No :(
Am I the black sheep here?
What did you get?


Active Member
After I filled out the form concerning job history I got this. Oddly, it does not say how long it should take to approve my work history or when I can start using the FRM designation.

Your GARP Affiliate Membership is Now Active
Thank you for submitting your CV/Resume for verification of your two years of required work experience in the area of financial risk management or another related field. We will contact you should we require any further information regarding your work experience.

Pending approval of your work experience, your certificate will be mailed, according to when you submitted your CV/Resume. Please refer to the distribution schedule below for 2012.

The Certificates are mailed via the US Postal Service. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery, depending on your location.

The 2012 Certificate Distribution schedule is as follows:
Window to Upload CV/Resume Certificate Mailing Date
December 22, 2011 - March 31, 2012 April 16, 2012
April 1 - June 22, 2012 June 29, 2012
June 23 - September 21, 2012 September 28, 2012
September 22 - December 21, 2012 December 28, 2012


Active Member
Fantastic. Thanks!

I know this might get a little circular, but has anyone actually used the term "FRM holder" as a status for Linkedin or on a resume or are you just staying with "FRM program- passed level 1 and level 2 exams"?


Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hi Shanlane,
I'm sorry I didn't get back here with the response I got from GARP as I told Fermion I will, but I did ask them about using "FRM Holder" and here is the reply I got verbatim:

...and you can stated as of now you are an "FRM Holder" passed part I and II

I think "stated" is just a typo meant to be "state".


Very surprising!

GARP site states
You can include the following statement on your CV/résumé once you have passed the FRM Exam Part I and Part II: "FRM Program - Passed FRM Exam Part I & Part II" the FRM Exam

Hi Shanlane,
I'm sorry I didn't get back here with the response I got from GARP as I told Fermion I will, but I did ask them about using "FRM Holder" and here is the reply I got verbatim:

I think "stated" is just a typo meant to be "state".


Active Member
Just curious, but has anyone received confirmation from GARP as to whether or not they are now a "Cretified FRM"?



Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hi Shannon,
Those of us who passed part II in May 2012 have submitted their resumes in order to be certified, but from what I know, the response from GARP could take something like 3 months. So I don't think any one got that yet.
Meanwhile, you can use "FRM Holder"

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hey Suzanne, I hope you've been well

I didn't know you could tag a member's name :) Nice!

My information refers to a thread here in the forums, but it's old, about a year old. So things might have changed since then. Or I could be wrong altogether.

Let's hope you're right.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hend Abuenein,

Yes, I think the tagging is an excellent feature that we've added to the forum. To tag someone you simply put the @ sign and then their name immediately after. Along with the tagging the member will also receive an alert!


Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Excellent work :)

Maybe soon we'll also see subject tags at bottom of posts as a way of topic classification, to simplify search, especially when threads vine away from their initial subjects.

Thanks for all the good work you and David have done to improve the forums the past few months. Much appreciated :)


Active Member
Has anyone gotten word on certification status? I was really thinking 1 month would have been enough time for them to look over our employment records. As of right now I am still labeled "FRM holder" on the GARP site.

