Robert Morris
New Member
Passed part 2. First Quartile All topics.
Thanks David for all the study material
Thanks David for all the study material
So, anywhere around 35-50% passes, although from what I hear GARP received criticism for letting too many pass so they are wanting to bring the number down towards the low end of that range [35-40], but I cannot independently verify that information.
As Wikipedia says, around 25% of candidates pass P1 & P2.
25% - Does the GARP site not mention figures of 50-60%
Am I missing something?
To quote a very knowledgable and smart person I work with, who has many years of experience and a very senior level position: "it does not surprise me that the FRM is harder than the CFA, considering all the idiots I've meet throughout my career who are CFA charter holders."
Does a score of 3-3-2-3-3 pass level 2?
I thought you were supposed to score 2 or 1 on half the topics or more?
That's how it goes for level 1.
To quote a very knowledgable and smart person I work with, who has many years of experience and a very senior level position: "it does not surprise me that the FRM is harder than the CFA, considering all the idiots I've meet throughout my career who are CFA charter holders."
Thinking back, cfa was not that hard compared to frm. Putting frm at 1.5x cfa is reasonable.
After completing this 2 program, I am embarking on CAIA(call me a cert collector). Caia is really quite simple as i only spend one week finishing the syllabus and now I am waiting to take the exam in sept.
Actually in asian context, having a extra cert is better than not having one. You will never know when you need it. Anyway I did not know it so easy until I embarked onto you think it's wise to go after a certificate just because it's easy?
Shouldn't you have a bigger plan?...for example: what's the ultimate purpose of your education? What are your career plans, and does the certificate under consideration add to it?
Unfortunately those scores are indeed true (infact another person on this forum himself has quoted his scores as - 2,4,3,3,2)- and this kind of makes me mad - not that I am happy for the person who passed - but by the fact that - I expect GARP to be strict with what level they set the pass scores at - so maintain a high standard.
I am a bit disappointed after reading and knowing that candidates with low quarties even passed.
hey everyone
i guess i am one of the few here who didnt pass level 1
just checked my quartile results i got 3 2 4 2
was i too far from passing?
Dear friend,
50-60 % is for each part.
Suppose 100 ppl sit for part 1. 50 clear.
Only those 50 are now eligible for part 2. Again 50 % pass rate would mean, only 25 ppl clearing it.
Therefore, overall pass percentage is 25 %.
I feel that it is a simple marketing strategy, show the facts , but focus on the presentation.
If this deduction is displayed by them on their website, they won't get enough aspirants, which is vital to the survival of any association.
hey everyone
i guess i am one of the few here who didnt pass level 1
just checked my quartile results i got 3 2 4 2
was i too far from passing?
hey everyone
i guess i am one of the few here who didnt pass level 1
just checked my quartile results i got 3 2 4 2
was i too far from passing?