How long do we have to wait for employment verification?


New Member
I provided GARP my work experience resume about a month back. I'm still waiting for their approval and meanwhile, on 1st Feb my "individual membership" expired. So, I'm wondering now if GARP would still approve my candidature for "Certified FRM", given I only have an "affiliate membership" status. Please advise if (individual membership, $195) is necessary to become a Certified FRM.



New Member
Same here,

I've submitted my work experience 4 weeks ago and I haven't got their feedback yet...


This is actually my 6th week since I submitted (got confirmation of submission on January 3 @ 10.27pm Hong Kong time) and I am still waiting. So if you submitted after me, you will understand what I mean. I got an email one week after making inquiries and they said it's based on 'first come first serve' basis. So we keep our fingers crossed.


Active Member
Hi Adisson,

Well, that's disappointing to wait for such a long time, especially since the exam was taken in mid-Nov-12.

David, since the official "waiting time" communicated by GARP is 4 weeks, do you think it is possible to do something about it?




New Member
Hi David,

At the rate they have been approving work experience, they might as well have said 8 weeks (at least that way they wouldn't set any expectations but they would have a very hard time justifying 8 weeks to validate work experience). I know their standard is 4 weeks but to be entering the 7th week now and still no update is unacceptable. It is not like GARP had no way of knowing how many candidates would be submitting their work experience because you can only place your work experience after passing both level 1 and level 2. Giving historical pass rates and the numbers of candidates sitting for the exam, they knew/know full well how many applications would be coming in for work experience. For them to say that there was a large "influx" of work experience requests as was communicated to me by their membership services is just summarized as poor service.

Nevertheless I showed my dissatisfaction with the process and how their lack of proper planning results in us being the casulties (member services escalated my concerns to upper management after I said this). I encourage you all to voice your dissatisfaction in their process so they are aware that members don't agree that if an organization sets their own response time, they should make all efforts to make that timeline. 3 weeks past their own rough 4 week timeline is no indication that the organization is doing everything they can to meet their own timeline.

I am very very disappointed with how this has been handled by them. If they are striving to be a global brand, this is not how you do it.



New Member
ADISON2000 and trabala38,

I am in exactly the same boat and my request to GARP was time dependent, which I spoke to them about. Due to timescales I need to get a reply to the Institute of Actuaries by Monday to show that I had been certified. It is quite disappointing when the official time has been missed and in doing so means that for another qualification I will have to waiting another year....

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
marc I know for a fact they are already aware of, at least, multiple, specific frustrations. Hopefully it leads to an improved process. In the meantime, I don't see how they can change "where they are" with respect to the apparent surge-backlog, so I'm not sure how to add any constructive further input. And, in fairness, even the CFA Institute (from what i'm told) experiences this occasional backlog problem w.r.t. verification (anecdotal obs only). I don't know the process exactly, maybe it's a high-quality (not rubber stamp) process with some dependence on third parties?

One thing, is just my opinion-okay?, is to ask: does it really matter? I remind that the resume can still read "FRM Program - Passed FRM Exam [ Part I | Part I & Part II]" as a resume placeholder. I gotta believe that for some people the timing here isn't mission critical

percy_percival is the above placeholder insufficient to Institute of Actuaries (can you not assert your passed status with imminent certification)? I am copying Suzanne Evans, she may be able to help ... Thanks


New Member
Hi David,
I have passed across the exam pass emails, but the Institute has asked for something showing the certification. I have spoken to both the Institute and GARP on this. As I have been an actuarial student for the five years as well it makes it doubly frustrating! I wish I had just known if it would or would not have been possible but have been told different things along the way, by both GARP and the Institute, which gave me hope it would be in time.


New Member
Got the mail today from GARP with the subject line- "Thank you for submitting your CV, you can now use the FRM designation".
It took 44 days from the date of submission. "Patience is a virtue", and once you get it, it's worth it.
Thank you again David and Suzanne.