Employment verification question


Active Member
Hi BT Folks,

GARP is asking a FRM candidate (who passed P1 and P2 exams) to fill in the following for the two-year employment verification process:

We require each candidate to provide at least 4 to 5 sentences on how YOU use financial risk on a daily basis in your job(s) that cover a two year period. Please do not explain what your company is currently involved in. Listing your job title alone is insufficient information. When you provide this background information, we will be in a better position to determine if your experience meets our requirements for certification. You have five (5) years from the date you took and passed the exam to submit this information.

(then there is a empty space to fill in)

GARP did not directly ask candidates to submit CV/Resume though. Not sure which is the best way to fill in this section - essay-like paragraphs or go with conventional resume/CV?

Any advice is appreciated.


RiskNoob, I'll give you my 2 cents. What I did was to focus on the risk management specifics of my job -- I did not do a strict cut-and-paste of my existing CV. GARP wants to see that enough of your role involves risk management functions that it can qualify. They understand that not everybody is going to be 100% focused on risk management exclusively in their day to day tasks (for instance, consider all of the analyst/PM/etc. titles that they have available for selection in terms of job titles -- not all of these guys are doing 100% risk management tasks day in and day out).

The description, IMO, should show GARP that you can demonstrate that you significantly employ risk management and quantitative techniques in your job, as showcased in the FRM program. In other words, if you were doing all back office work with no real risk management functions, this is something where they would probably want to see a more robust work experience. However, even as, say, a junior analyst within asset management, most of these guys are directly or indirectly using risk management or quantitative techniques in their daily job. The trick is to highlight those things in a truthful way so that GARP understands how you use risk techniques and can feel comfortable granting you the ability to use the FRM marks.

Hope this helps.
surekinkinwin -- I don't know. I have just submitted my work experience myself and was advising RiskNoob on what I did. I also hold the CFA and CAIA charters so I'm pretty familiar with how most of these professional credential vetting processes work.

Based on multiple postings I've read from others, a common time that seems to be reported is around 8 weeks for GARP to complete the verification process. Some have reported it taking longer, but we'll see.


Hello, LineofBestFit
How long would it take for verification process after submitting CV?
Thanks very much
In my experience, I submitted it at the beginning of Mar/2013, and received the approval on around 22/Mar/2013.
GARP takes a regular interval of mailing the certs out. In my case, they began the mailing on 15/Apr/2013. So I think they will hurry up approving candidates' working experience verifications before they mail the certs on their predetermined date.
Those dates intervals can be checked in their website. They also post the deadlines of submitting your verification within each intervals.

BTW, LineOfBestFit explains the issue very well. Like!


Active Member

Sorry for the late response - The advice from the above is absolutely valuable - it will definitely help me to write the work verification. (... once I am back from trip) Not all of my daily task involves risk mgmt techniques, so I plan to highlight my work that is relevant from GARP's perspective.

This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you. :)



New Member
I have passed Part II recently and I have been submitting my CV verification since 1 July..
But i still havet received any response from GARP about the verification..
Is there anyone received GARP reply on CV verification in this period?
Thanks a lot
I submitted mine at about the same time, and no, nothing yet.

However, I have told myself that I'm going to give myself 8 weeks to receive confirmation. It seems that it has taken that long in some cases based on posts here and elsewhere, so if I focus on 8 weeks out and it comes earlier, then I will consider it a pleasant surprise.

I am encouraged by the fact that GARP released the results super-early this year, so maybe we'll luck out and be the beneficiaries of a clean-flowing work process over there.
chiyui -- there is a difference between GARP allowing you to hold yourself out as a Certified FRM and to use the marks, and receiving the paper certificate. As I understand it, you do not need to actually have received the certificate to hold yourself out as "Joe Smith, FRM" if you have received an email from GARP, for that in-between period.

In your post above, you indicated that it took less than a month to receive verification. Did you actually wait until your paper certificate came before using the designation after your name?


chiyui -- there is a difference between GARP allowing you to hold yourself out as a Certified FRM and to use the marks, and receiving the paper certificate. As I understand it, you do not need to actually have received the certificate to hold yourself out as "Joe Smith, FRM" if you have received an email from GARP, for that in-between period.

In your post above, you indicated that it took less than a month to receive verification. Did you actually wait until your paper certificate came before using the designation after your name?
You guys didn't ask about this issue, so I just didn't mention it intentionally either.

Of course you can use the FRM title after you confirm you've been certified. You can check whether you've been certified or not just by login your GARP a/c and click your "member profile" page. The left hand side of the page shows the status. It's the most up-to-date, even more than the mailing of your cert.

I used the FRM title in my email signature before I received the cert. But to be frank, I didn't use the FRM title in most of my situation becoz I'm such a small potato in my bank that I don't have any name card or even a personal business email box. And even if I had, those senior guys and gals seemed not favorable of allowing me to use the FRM title either. Perhaps they thought it's such an arrogant act of my using the title, I don't know.

BTW, I just said GARP approved me as certified on 22/03/2013 and mails the cert on 15/04/2013. It's less than a month. But I didn't say I received it within less than a month. To receive the cert is a differnt matter of to mail the cert !
I live in Macau. I could only receive the cert in my post box on 21/05/2013 ! GARP used the USPS to mail the certs, and USPS takes near or even more than a month to deliver any mailings to Asia areas. That means it depends on where you live to wait for your FRM cert. Even worse, if the mailing fails due to accidents, you gotta pay USD100 to GARP for reissuance and remail your cert. GARP's website has mentioned this issue too.


New Member

this evening I submit my CV using the "verifying your professional experience" tool on the web site.

After using the "continue" bottom on the page I did not receive any e-mail or other form of communication on the page about the procedure that I used. So i don't know if my procedure is correct or if I need to do something else.

Is this normal? Could you help me?

Thank you



Try to repeat the process. Usually it will indicate that you have already submitted the pro ex.
In case not, maybe there was a connectivity issue and you might need to repeat the process.


New Member
Thank you Jasvinder, i did it again and it worked ! I had some problems with my Mac , so i changed the pc.

Nothing yet...though I am checking my profile daily! I really hope it happens quickly so I can finally order my new business cards. It has actually been one month and one week since I submitted my work experience.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Those of you whom have not heard back after 8 weeks, please email me ([email protected]) and I will see if I can communicate with my contact at GARP to check the status. I will need:
  • Name
  • Date your submitted
I am really beginning to feel that there is some magic mojo happening in the BT forums...no sooner than I posted my response surekinkinwin earlier today, I received an email from GARP informing me that I am a Certified FRM! I don't know if that is highly coincidental or if I have secret helpers anywhere...;-)

In any event good luck to the others waiting on their verifications. David and Suzanne are running more like a family than a product over here, and using BT has been a great supplement to my overall studies and participation in this program. You guys are great -- thanks for everything.