FAQ Exam Do we need to remember formulas or will they be provided with questions?


New Member
Good day,

Hope you all are doing well.. It may have been answered in past, but asking again.. In FRM part 1 exam, do we need to remember all math formulas and equations or are they provided in the questions?

Asking because I know of some exams like (TOGAF for enterprise s/w architecture) which are open-book, where comprehension and understanding of the concept is tested and any helpful details like formulas/equations are provided in the exam, so you end up solving the problem at hand instead of trying hard to remember the correct formula first.
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Good day,

Hope you all are doing well.. It may have been answered in past, but asking again.. In FRM part 1 exam, do we need to remember all math formulas and equations or are they provided in the questions?

Asking because I know of some exams like (TOGAF for enterprise s/w architecture) which are open-book, where comprehension and understanding of the concept is tested and any helpful details like formulas/equations are provided in the exam, so you end up solving the problem at hand instead of trying hard to remember the correct formula first.
Hello @sun.nitins

The formulas for the FRM exam need to be memorized, as they will not be provided on the exam. You can find our formula sheets under the Review section in the study planner. We are in the process of updating the formula sheets to include formulas that may not be in the currently published documents. The current formula sheets include most of the formulas that you will need for the exam, but as always, we recommend that you follow the current GARP learning objectives to make sure that you have learned the concepts that will be tested.


New Member

For FRM part one exam, is a formula sheet provided during the exam? If not, please can you provide tips on how to know what formulas are important to keep for the exam. Reason for asking this question is that I wanted to practice using the appropriate formula sheet (or advisable method of keeping the formulas) while still doing the practice questions (and practice exams). This is so I get comfortable with the way I will be doing it in the exam.

Thank you.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

For FRM part one exam, is a formula sheet provided during the exam? If not, please can you provide tips on how to know what formulas are important to keep for the exam. Reason for asking this question is that I wanted to practice using the appropriate formula sheet (or advisable method of keeping the formulas) while still doing the practice questions (and practice exams). This is so I get comfortable with the way I will be doing it in the exam.

Thank you.
@ABlac3075 Please note that I moved your post to this thread, which discusses your question. Thank you.