Difference b/w BT FRM Product Offerings


New Member
Hi all,

I will be taking FRM part 1 and part 2 in Nov. I saw online that the difference b/w Tier 2 and Tier 3 are the spreadsheets. I wanted to ask past Tier 3 users if the spreadsheets are worthwhile. I was looking for a sample online, but was unable to find one.

Also, in your experience, how much value-added are the videos? As a benchmark, I have used Schweser videos in the past; they were helpful, but not amazing.

Best regards,


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

All of the 2012 learning spreadsheets have samples. Here are a few links (they are all screenshots):
You can also review samples of our videos:
I'd recommend that you view the above as well as these links as well:
There is a lot of other feedback in the forum in reference to our products. I hope that helps!


Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hi James,

Compared to Schweser's videos, BT videos are better (IMHO), given that you give them time to register, i.e. stop, repeat and repeat again if you have to. Write questions, discuss on the forums, and combine them simultaneously with some question solving and you'll get the best results.
I used only some of the spreadsheets, when referred to in the videos I watched. They were good and useful. But, whatever the tier of product, I'd go for the one that has the practice questions. That is the best of BT's products, aside of being irreplaceable by other PQs from competitors.

Good luck.

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
BT's videos are definitely great, and I would say that the spreadsheets can really help you understand concepts that might seem abstract, as wel as allow you to learn from observing the behavior, first hand, when you plug-in different parameter values and so forth.