2014 FRM Publishing Calendar

Hi @David Harper, CFA, FRM, CIPM
A few days back we had a conversation related to inclusion/deletion of certain topics from FRM L1 AIM statements. I have put together an analysis comparing and contrasting the changes between 2013-2014 AIM Statements. As a token of appreciation I would like to share it with you. You can download it from here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByqXBZHYsKMucmg2T3NNTkNrUkk/edit
I will be very happy if it helps BT community in anyway.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member


New Member
When can i expect the study notes and video tutorial published for the newly added chapter in part-1 ( Foundations of Risk Management) ?

  1. Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus, Investments, 9th Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010
    • Chapter 10................................Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return
Hi David and team,

Please don't take my comment the wrong way as I appreciate all the work you guys have done and still doing, it is a great learning tool. I just have one problem, the person speaking in the videos speaks too fast and for me as a non-American sometimes it is hard to follow.
Could you please attempt to slow down a bit in future videos, because although it might not be a problem for the American's out there, people from other nationalities might find it difficult.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
When can i expect the study notes and video tutorial published for the newly added chapter in part-1 ( Foundations of Risk Management) ?

  1. Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus, Investments, 9th Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010
    • Chapter 10................................Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return

@nilz They are next in the sequence, I am still working on it today. We posted this calendar as a courtesy. It says target in bold at the top, please try to understand what that means instead of ping us a constant stream of status updates. Especially if you aren't a forum contributor: this forum is not a place to do nothing but repeatedly distract us with timing status updates (let me reset your expectations: there is always some resource currently missing. This is doubly true at the beginning of the year; e.g., right now)

If you are a contributor to the forum (as opposed to somebody who tries to use it only to query timing status) then you've earned the privilege to inquire, is how I look at it; ironically, human nature is such that contributors are the ones with the most awareness (e.g., "it's January, it's just a target, I'm sure they are working hard to update").

Regarding this video: I am not currently setting a specific date (for exactly this reason).

Thanks for understanding the purpose of this forum.
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New Member
Thanks i understand the this was a redundant query

Apologies the inconvenience cost by the redundant query.

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New Member
Question - has this been deleted for FRM 2014 level 1 exam ? I was not able to find this in deletion nor as a part of AIM statements

Explain the Morningstar Rating System, VaR based, and management related risk-adjusted return measures.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

If you could please let me know which topic and reading you are referring to, it will better help me to answer your question. Thank you.

Nicole Manley

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Nicole M @nilz

He is referring to T1.R4 (Amenc's Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis). @nilz appears to be correct, so I just sent an email to Bill May:
Hi Bill,
One of our customers noticed that the changes guide appears to omit the "knowledge point" removal of:
• Explain the Morningstar Rating System, VaR based, and management related risk-adjusted return measures
I hope tha's helpful and I hope you are doing well, thanks!

@Nicole did correctly capture this deletion in our internal XLS @ https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqjuzorzuvoj5hw/2010 thru 2014 P1 AIM Comparison_v1.xlsx

It is a welcome deletion in my opinion: the Morninstar RAPM variants were never tested to my knowledge. Thanks for spotting this, helpful!
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David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@edmundkan whatever is in the Study Planner is the most recent (and yes, currently, that is mostly 2013 and some 2012; but obviously we are gradually updating everything early in the year; i.e., now).

Otherwise, we have a YELLOW new circle-button that currently disappears too fast (i.e. it's already disappeared on the recently updated R1 material): we are going to have our developer extend the duration of the YELLOW new tag so that will make recent updates very obvious. That's it and that's all. Thanks,


For the P1 T1 (for example Amenc, Chapter 4), the write 'NEW' didn't appear since few days, could you check and correct please, this could help us, because we can't see which chapter has been updated and in a chapter, and if it is Study Notes, Question Set, or Instructional Video which has been updated.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@LMFRM the new R4 note has not been published yet, it's coming soon (so the lack of a yellow NEW is correct). Still, we are going to extend the duration of the NEW flags so it will be easier to spot. Thanks,


New Member
Thanks David ! I met yesterday Mr Bill May at the NYC GARP Chapter . It was a wonderful experience meeting him :)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @nilz oh wow, honestly I think that is so cool. I really like Bill (and Chris Donahue and Kristina Jaoude), I have spoken to each of them so many times (and corresponded etc as part of the work) but i've never met any of them in person, I would really look forward to it. So glad you met Bill, thanks for sharing :)
Hello, I have just started Part 2 reading with Tuckman: Science of term Structure (as suggseted by GARP weekly reading) and I really hope the rest of reading material doesn't get more difficult than this.
I would appreciate if you could provide 2014 P2 Focus review - not videos, just a short list of what is highly testable.


New Member
@Irena Yes, we really will try ... it's a balancing act ahead of May but I agree updated FR would be helpful. We will try, thanks,

Hi David, I am new to this website and i have some questions,
1) while i am waiting for 2014 videos to come out, am i having access to all the videos that is from last year 2013?
2) How long does it normally take to get my discount code approved?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Thank you for your interest in Bionic Turtle! Here are the answers to your questions:
  1. If you purchase one of our Advanced or Professional packages, you will have access to the instructional videos. At this time, the videos on our website are from last year, but we are still in the process of updating our materials to coincide with the 2014 GARP curriculum.
  2. Once you request a discount code, it is normally approved within one day. You can request your discount here: https://www.bionicturtle.com/features-and-pricing/request-discount
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you,

Nicole Manley


New Member
Hi Nicole/David,
I was going through the Study Planner and found that in Part 1, Book 1 topic Elton & Gruber, Chapters 5, 13 & 14, you have asked questions related to portfolio variance and return... i.e P1.T1.57. Portfolio return and volatility. I believe that they have been removed this year from part 1 as per GARP

"• Chapter 5..................................Delineating Efficient Portfolios"

Please correct me if I am wrong.