2012 FRM Calendar


New Member
Hello David & Suzanne,

is there any problem with video 5.d and 5.e from market risk topic? It seems that I can not find them on the site.

Thank you,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Marius, We are publishing 5d today and 5e tomorrow (i have to sprint to try and balance rapid deployment with error reduction, while fielding support and status questions, it is not fun), thanks

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
FYI, I am going to spend today polishing Fabozzi's yield distinctions (nominal, static, OAS) in the PPT, so I am going to defer one more day and record 5e tomorrow. But 5e (the final market risk) video will publish tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Thanks!


Suzanne- is there any ballpark date range on when the FRM Part 2 practice exam will be ready? Just trying to coordinate my study plans for this last month and a half.... Thanks! -Lee

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Lee, I am looking at deploying mock exam(s) approximately by Saturday May 5th; i.e., two (2) weeks before exam. I could do them sooner, if i paused the daily new 3-part question, which takes 2-3+ hours per day, but I would rather maintain the daily discipline of new questions.

The mock exam(s) will "merely" be a polished curation of questions among our practice questions, so like GARP's mocks, it won't nearly be comprehensive. I don't even know if I will have time for more than one per Part; I don't want to create expectations as our schedule is frankly brutal.

We will definitely have multiple mocks for November, because after I finish the videos, we free up a lot of time to consolidate quality mock exams, but we only get a start on that intention by the May exam.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Everyone, I hope your studies are going well! Just an update on the mock exam previously mentioned:
  • I decided to spend the time to write totally fresh questions for two mini-mock exams (rather than curate existing questions), in addition to all of our other AIM-by-AIM questions of course. This is quite time consuming, but I really hope they give you an extra boost heading into the exam. I am triangulating on the assignments, actual historical exams, and the testable concepts, so they represent my best effort to give the best mock exam you can find. As time permits, I am annotating the answers, too, with key concept bullet points. To be sincere, I think the questions are better than you'll find anywhere else, due to the extra care I put into them (e.g., over the weekend, I spent three hours on each of just two of them, to get questions that exploited as much testable material as possible). These are better than GARP's practice exams, I am confident. As usual, I first publish these questions to the paid forum area.
    I am staging P1 questions here @ http://forum.bionicturtle.com/forums/p1-2012-practice-exam-part-1.75/
    I am staging P2 questions here @ http://forum.bionicturtle.com/forums/p2-2012-practice-exam-part-2.77/
  • I am going to match GARP's practice exams: a 25-question Part 1, and a 20-question Part 2 practice (does not correspond to the whole exam, of course, but rather 1/4th ... I will continue to add to this side effort, so we have full exams for the November)
  • These will both publish in one week, on May 7th, so you have almost two weeks to work them out. (but, again, these are bonus, don't let this distract you from working the itemized questions). Thanks!

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
I see that David posted a mock exam for level one. Does he have a recommended amount of time one should take when taking the exam?

Thanks for the help,


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Chris,

Structurally, our new mock exams are similar to GARPs 2012 practice exams: truncated to 25%, with 25 P1 questions (versus 100 P1 actual exam questions) and 20 P2 questions (versus 80 P2 exam questions). Here is what GARP says:
"The 2012 FRM Practice Exam for Part I contain 25 multiple-choice questions and the 2012 FRM Practice Exam for Part II contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Note that the 2012 FRM Examination Part I will contain 100 multiple-choice questions and the 2012 FRM Examination Part II will contain 80 multiple-choice questions. The Practice Exams were designed to be shorter to allow candidates to calibrate their preparedness without being overwhelming
... Allocate 90 minutes for the Practice Exam and set an alarm to alert you when 90 minutes have passed. Complete the exam but note the questions answered after the 90 minute mark"

As the exams are four hours each, I am not clear why GARP's mocks allocate 90 minutes rather than 25%*4 hours = 60 minutes?

However, several of my questions are more time consuming than you can expect on the exam (I could not resist to try and insert as many concepts as possible; in a few cases, my question might take twice as much as average exam time b/c i "doubled up" on concepts), so actually: while 25%* 4 hours = 60 minutes, would make sense for a mock exam of "average exam difficulty," an upward adjustment to 75 or 90 minutes (matching GARP's mock) feels about right, given mine are at least (if not more) difficult than the expected exam, and on average, should require more time.

In short: I think 75 to 90 minutes should be about the right calibration.

I hope that helps,

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
That is peculiar indeed, why would they suggest spending 50% longer on the mock than the real exam, and in the same paragraph write, "simulate exam environment as closely as possible?"

That, to me, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever; indeed I would deem it strongly misleading. I might be missing something but...

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
I'm glad Cris brought this up and you pointed this out David, otherwise I would probably just have set the timer to 90 min. when I do the 2012 GARP mock.

I have always wondered whether or not one has to scramble in order to answer all the [real] exam questions, or whether the time is more or less sufficient. That is partly because your questions, which I have been doing, are harder and more time consuming as you point out above.
I still have no idea about that, but at least I'll try to get a sense of it, setting my timer to 60 minutes when I do the mock!

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
@Aleksander: If I remember well 2011 GARP practice exams were TWO exams 25 Qs each, that would mean you need to set your stop watch to 120m to do both.
Last line says :
Complete the exam but note the questions answered after the 90 minute mark"
Meaning to me: do both exams, 120 minutes, but mark how many you finished at 90th minute.

Still pretty much nonsense :confused: Why 90th minute, not 60?

Turtle King

New Member
Suzanne Evans - just noticed that the updated FRM calendar might require a small correction. The 7th of the 8 focus reviews is expected to be published on 'Oct' 29 and not Nov 29.



New Member
Hello Suzanne,
will there be new study notes for FRM 2 exam or will they stay the same as for may exam? If there will be new ones, when will they be updated?
Many thanks.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
GBechtel we will issue a revision, but it won't be anything major (we spend far more time on revising the practices question sets, new practice questions, new mocks and focus reviews). We won't be putting the revision on the calendar (it just adds too much communication frankly). Thanks,


Active Member

Revering to the 2.Reviwe (Q&A): On the schedule you say it should be available on the 20th of August. I haven't got an E-Mail until now cocerning the new Review. Can you tell me where i can find the pdf's on the hp? - should I've got an E-Mail concerning that?


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

The calendar is only a target schedule, it is tentative. The focus reviews are taking more additional time to prep than anticipated. There are 2 focus reviews that are ready (David already finished), however I was out of the office yesterday and did not get to upload them yet. I will get these uploaded today.

Thanks for your patience!
