FAQ Before Exam Where can I find previous GARP practice exams?


New Member


We do not recommend studying any practice exams prior to 2019, as there were many errors. Most of them are actually the same exact questions (GARP used the same practice exams for a few years and just changed the dates), but in the more recent practice exams, the previous errors should be fixed (should be but we still find errors, unfortunately). Our resources page that previously contained the GARP practice exams is no longer available.
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This may be a really one but I am a bit confused with the practice exams from garp that you have on your bionic turtle website. All the questions seems to be the same for different years. Myabe my understanding isn't correct but what does a 2018 practice exam part 1 mean compared to 2017 exam part 1? The questions in both these practice exams is exactly the same. Am I missing something here?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
This may be a really one but I am a bit confused with the practice exams from garp that you have on your bionic turtle website. All the questions seems to be the same for different years. Myabe my understanding isn't correct but what does a 2018 practice exam part 1 mean compared to 2017 exam part 1? The questions in both these practice exams is exactly the same. Am I missing something here?
Hello @akrushn2

You aren't missing anything. We added the previous practice exams to our website after some of our members requested them. However, we've discussed the previous exams in the forum quite a lot and they are riddled with mistakes. We recommend only using the current practice exam, as David has pointed out many mistakes to GARP and they have fixed the mistakes in the newer exam. I hope this helps!


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,

Can i get previous practice exams older than 2019 (ex, 2018, 2017 ,2016...)?
Hello @passfrmjapan

Please see my previous answer to a similar question on the first page of this thread: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/thre...previous-garp-practice-exams.10249/post-78602. We do not recommend studying any practice exams prior to 2019, as there were many errors. Most of them are actually the same exact questions (GARP used the same practice exams for a few years and just changed the dates), but in the 2019 and 2020 practice exams, the previous errors should be fixed (should be but we still find errors, unfortunately).


New Member
Hi Nicole,
First of all, thanks for your help!
I have done practice exam 2019 and the one for 2020 (have to say they are pretty similar). I have read that you do not recommend doing exams before 2019. What else can i do to prepare better for the exam?
Thanks in advance!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,
First of all, thanks for your help!
I have done practice exam 2019 and the one for 2020 (have to say they are pretty similar). I have read that you do not recommend doing exams before 2019. What else can i do to prepare better for the exam?
Thanks in advance!
Hello @geigel

Yes, the practice exams prior to 2019 were full of errors so we do not recommend those. I always recommend going through all of our practice questions, mock exams, and instructional videos, but since you aren't a paid member, it is difficult to suggest a study plan for you. We provide many materials that we highly recommend because they go in-depth on the concepts, and we also provide a full paid section of the forum where we offer support to our members. You can view other member's study plans here in the forum: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/study-plan-guide.8670/. Most of them are using our study materials, but you may find other suggestions that could help.


New Member
Hi Nicole,
I know that you do not recommend doing older mock exams, but for purpose of practice I would love to do so. All around the forum, I see people talking about BT mock exams A,B,C and so on. Are these still available somewhere?
Many Thanks!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,
I know that you do not recommend doing older mock exams, but for purpose of practice I would love to do so. All around the forum, I see people talking about BT mock exams A,B,C and so on. Are these still available somewhere?
Many Thanks!
Hello Thomas,

The mock exams A,B,C, etc. were from previous years. They were mini mock exams with fewer questions. I am currently working on a 2nd mock exam for each Part, and I am really hoping to be able to publish them by the end of this week.


Hi @dbansal See https://forum.bionicturtle.com/resources/categories/frm-practice-garp.16/ where we've collected the Practice Exams (shared with permission). GARP does not publish multiple mocks. This year was the first year for a full version, but it's been re-published three times (corrections based on our feedback, informed by customer observations in the lower boards) and there are likely more corrections still to come. It is frankly not itself an excellent standalone resource, in my opinion, especially given it tends to re-use a narrow set of question types, but it's a good complement. Thanks,
hello David
the link didn't work!
it said: "
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
hello David
the link didn't work!
it said: "
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
Hello @danghara

The resources page that you are referring to is no longer available. I've moved your post to this thread, which provides information about the GARP practice exams.
Post Edited in 2020: We do not recommend studying any practice exams prior to 2019, as there were many errors. Most of them are actually the same exact questions (GARP used the same practice exams for a few years and just changed the dates), but in the 2019 and 2020 practice exams, the previous errors should be fixed (should be but we still find errors, unfortunately). Our resources page that previously contained the GARP practice exams is no longer available.
Hello @Vin

You can find GARP's previous practice exams here in our resources section: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/resources/categories/frm-practice-garp.16/.

Thank you,

Hi Nicole, I was going to ask about a difference on an identical question from the 2017 and 2020 exams, but just noticed this post on the thread.

Would you mind confirming that for Q24 on the 2020 Part II Practice exam, it is correct to use 1.96 as the Z-value? We are looking for the lower bound, so I would think it is 2 sided and 1.96 is correct, however 2017 has 1.645 as the z-value. Just want to check.


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David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @corinne.lieberman21 You are correct: the question asks for the lower bound of a confidence interval such that the two-sided deviate (i.e., 1.96 at 95% confidence) is appropriate, rather than the one-sided 1.645 that would be appropriate if the question were asking a VaR-type (aka, SaR in this context) question. GARP has many errors in prior practice questions, including the 2017 question required three revisions :(; e.g., see https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/garp-p2-question-24.21932/


New Member
I am quite disapointing that there are only 3 exams: 1 GARP + 2 BT.
It seems that GARP exams are pretty similar year on year, i really can't understand why they are not able to provide more after so many years...