Study Notes on foundation


New Member
Hi David

I am a paid member of BT. The screencast on Foundations (1a) i.e Jorion - Value at Risk, Amenc Portfolio theory and Ginold Active portfolio managment appears very brief, however realy helpful for brushing up the contents of the subject. I would like to know that like last years, do you provide detailed notes on respective chapters along with Screencast and Spreadsheet. If yes, when do you provide study notes on the first screencast.




New Member
Hi David,

The presentation on foundations on risk management covers only 3 assigned readings while there are 7 by GARP
Will you be adding more presentations or should we go ahead and study on own on those readings?



David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Suraj,

Yes, because GARP released the AIMs later than expected, I am going to include Foundations 1.b (the other 4) along with Quant 2 next Monday (I am actually doing them now) yes, we give full coverage but I have to hustle a bit to get back on track....but yes, absolutely we cover all the AIMS so it will be a large upload this weekend and Monday. Thanks, David