New Member
In handbook P409, it says sticky strike is "the curve does not change", but why "the ISD drops from 18 to 17.5" as the strike is still 100???
hi wufu,
that figure 17.4 is arguably confusing. The handbook is trying to illustrate a scenario where the stock price shifts from $100 to $110, and the issue is, what happens to the ISD of an option with a strike (K) of $110?
- under sticky moneyness, as S increases from 100 to 110, an option with K = $110 moves from OTM to ATM, and its implied volatility "remains" at 18% because ATM options previously has ISD = 18%
- under sticky strike, as S increases from 100 to 100, option with K = 110 moves from OTM to ATM, but its implied volatility "drops" from 18% (when it was OTM) to 17.6% (when it is now ATM)