Hi David,
Prior to knowing about your site, I had purchase the Prem. Solution from Schweser that includse a Live interactive online Seminar that commence in Sept. I'm not sure if I can wait until Sept for these seminars and dont know how useful they'll be. I've seen some of your screencast and have found them to be very informative and match my learning style. From your experience, would screencast be better than a live interactive seminar? Also want to know if its possible for me to purchase just the screencast, as I have notes from Schweser that I can't return even though they're not used.
Prior to knowing about your site, I had purchase the Prem. Solution from Schweser that includse a Live interactive online Seminar that commence in Sept. I'm not sure if I can wait until Sept for these seminars and dont know how useful they'll be. I've seen some of your screencast and have found them to be very informative and match my learning style. From your experience, would screencast be better than a live interactive seminar? Also want to know if its possible for me to purchase just the screencast, as I have notes from Schweser that I can't return even though they're not used.