Queries about Full Exam package(FRM)


New Member
Hello David,

I tried to send you an email, but I was having problems with the email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). So I had to post my queries here instead.

I am considering to purchase the Full Exam package of FRM , but I have a few doubts :

1. I am very good with calculus but am quite weak in the area of probability and statistics, so I was wondering if your full exam package teaches everything from scratch, that is from the basics?

2. I heard from my friend that if I purchase this package before 30th April, I can get it for $299, is that true, if not, is there any sort of promotion?

3. Does this package provide everything we need to pass the exam? that is, I do not need to purchase any other books for core readings or reviews, etc.

4. What if I incur doubts and problems while practicing and solving problems, how can I clarify my doubts? is there any way other than posting my problems in the forums on the bionicturtle site?

5. Do you supply short notes, practice questions, mock exams, and other reading material ?

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Thank you very much,


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I would just like to *add* two things to Bridget's terrific answer:

"is there any way other than posting my problems in the forums on the bionicturtle site?"

As Bridget said, the forum is the primary support platform. This year, we will schedule several live webinar sessions (I recently conducted five Early Bird webinar sessions to give an introduction to quantitative methods. See here for recaps). In regard to these live webinar sessions, one of the live webinar attendees suggested that we construct the live reviews based on questions submitted by customers. I think this is a great idea, so we will try this (just for the live reviews).

"Do you supply short notes, practice questions, mock exams, and other reading material ?"

Although we will have fresh practice questions, sequenced by AIM, we do not have mock exams. We may add this feature during the 2009 year; but I can't promise yet (mock exams, in my opinion, are merely a sort of scramble of practice questions, so I think we will be able...).

Thanks, David


New Member
HI Bridget, - I am contemplating purchasing the BT premium access alongside material from another FRM provider. Can you please elaborate on the discount mentioned above? Thanks

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

What Bridget says is essentially correct; only it's not a refund scenario. Our developer will soon have a $299 option for purchase enabled; anyone will be able to utilize the $299 (-$100 option) per "honor system." Then subsequent to purchase, we require that you send to us some proof of competitive purchase. So I just wanted to clarify: it's not the case that you need to pay $399 then be refunded $100; rather, you will be able to pay $299 straightaway.

Then, in regard to what qualifies, we don't have a hard rule about that. The principle is, if you've spent money on some other prepatory aid, we want to help defray the total cost. So, we'd just like to see evidence that you've spent money on another product. Historically, we've defined it pretty broadly; e.g., any other GARP Training Provider course/product, university course.

Thanks, David


New Member
Thanks for the clarification. Looking at your 2009 schedule, there is no mention of a cram session nearer to the exam date. I know you hosted this last year. Do you plan to do the same in 2009 and if so approximately when do you expect this to take place?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Yes, we will definitely conduct cram session(s) but you are right, I haven't posted the dates yet. Frankly that's because I haven't figured the best approach (most effective) to the cram sessions, especially in light of the new exam format. In particular, the full exam is now so broad that clearly a single cram cannot do it justice. I would look forward to feedback, but here is the way I am currently looking at the cram sessions:

* I will send a notice to paid members about the timing/etc, but since Saturday 9 AM EST US worked pretty well across many times zones for the EB live webinars, I expect the crams will, at the least, fall into these time slots in the weeks immediately before the exam (exact TBD)

* My first issue is, do we conduct recorded cram sessions, live webinar crams or both (i.e., recorded then followed by cram)? I struggle with this a bit; I have learned (IMO) that live webinars have decided advantages and disadvantages. In particular, given the breadth, live webinars present an acute challenge in regard to staying on task (to the extent we want to be interactive/responsive to "in the moment" queries and doubts), and in regard to a cram (IMO) would need to be broken up in multiple sessions. As I think i am implied above, i think the cram reviews may be more effective if they were broken up and started earlier.

* My second issue is, do we do one or two big crams or several smaller crams and start earlier? Here I'd like to balance efficacy with our resources...but the exam breadth itself appears to argue for several smaller...

Okay, so apologies if you don't want to know "how the sausage is made," but it's a long way of saying, yes, we will do crams, the cram formats/dates haven't been finalized (but likely will be on Sat 9 AM EST US), and finally, if you have a view, please share...thanks!



New Member

What Bridget says is essentially correct; only it's not a refund scenario. Our developer will soon have a $299 option for purchase enabled; anyone will be able to utilize the $299 (-$100 option) per "honor system." Then subsequent to purchase, we require that you send to us some proof of competitive purchase. So I just wanted to clarify: it's not the case that you need to pay $399 then be refunded $100; rather, you will be able to pay $299 straightaway.

Then, in regard to what qualifies, we don't have a hard rule about that. The principle is, if you've spent money on some other prepatory aid, we want to help defray the total cost. So, we'd just like to see evidence that you've spent money on another product. Historically, we've defined it pretty broadly; e.g., any other GARP Training Provider course/product, university course.

Thanks, David​

Hi David,

In regards to the proof of purchase, will order confirmation email of a PRM training course provider be OK?
In that case do I need to just fwd the email after selecting the discount option ?


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

We would need you to forward the form of receipt that you received for the purchase of the program. You may forward the proof of purchase after selecting and purchasing the discount option. You may forward too: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
