Practice qns vs videos & notes


New Member
Hi David,

I finished going through P1 of the foundations video & have started on the practice qns relating to Jorion Chapter 1.
However, I noted that your practice qns appear to be more in depth & cover various areas that were not referenced to in the videos.
eg: Q13 in T1 Jorion relating to Sharpe ratio/Sortino's ratio etc.

I understand that these concepts will be covered in Noel Amenc and Veronique Le Sourd, Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis- chapter 4 later on.

As such, would it be more practical for me to complete the videos/notes before going through the practice qns?

Also, with reference to Q7 in T1-Jorion Chapter 1, will the calculations be tested in the exam? The AIM does not seem to ask for any knowledge of calculations.

Thanks very much. ^^


Active Member
I'm new to Bionic Turtle. Where can I find the practice questions relating to Jorion Chapter 1? Or more generally, where can I find bionic turtle practice questions, other than those posted under "Today's Quiz"?
So far I've used 2011 study notes and videos.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Sleepybird,

I'd be more than glad to help. The practice questions can be found in a couple different places:

1) How-to Practice Questions here (this only includes the questions as the answers are protected in the forum)
2) Forum
3) Study Planner (The study planner includes the pdf documents after a set (typically dont by readings) has been completed. After a set has been completed, we will compile the questions within that set into a pdf document for our premium users.

The Jorion, Chapter 1 questions can be found here.

I hope that helps!



New Member
Hi Suzanne,

How anout the video? I only can find the 2011 version, will you publish 2012 video version later?


Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
If you have a question: search the forum. This is considered good etiquette on forums.

These questions have been asked (and answered) an inordinate number of times.
Videos, see schedule here

I would advice you to search the forum before posting as there is a good chance someone has asked the exact same question before.
That way, David and Suzanne may focus on new issues, questions, as well as actually being able to focus on finishing the 2012 videos.


New Member
Hi Suzanne,

In the Foundations of Risk Management Part 1 Topic 1 there are numerical references for Var (pages 7, 8, 9) so also in pages 20, 21, 22 etc., I see only the numbers. What is missing are the calculations. I am more comfortable practising the numericals to better understand the concepts. where do I get to practice them?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Suzanne,

In the Foundations of Risk Management Part 1 Topic 1 there are numerical references for Var (pages 7, 8, 9) so also in pages 20, 21, 22 etc., I see only the numbers. What is missing are the calculations. I am more comfortable practising the numericals to better understand the concepts. where do I get to practice them?

Hi Thanala,

What you are referring to above is the study notes? If so, I'd recommend that you review the practice questions which would give you ample practice.

The practice questions can also be found in the study planner:

You can sort by topic and/or most recent. The practice questions are marked with an orange ? icon.

I hope that helps!
