Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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Submitted January 3rd, AM. Still waiting.

They say a watched clock never ticks. (For you younger folks, clocks used to have second hands that stuttered around a circle, one tick per second.)

Max Melkin

New Member
Submitted January 3rd, AM. Still waiting.

They say a watched clock never ticks. (For you younger folks, clocks used to have second hands that stuttered around a circle, one tick per second.)

Oh dude, no need to be that cruel. Why do you make me think? I’ve left all my brains in the exam room on Nov, 16th. Now longing for one thing only: the FRM designation...


New Member
Wow! such a long torturous wait. Submitted job resume for review on January 2nd and still no news. Sent them a couple of mails and no response at all.


New Member
I received my experience approval yesterday around 4pm. I submitted it on Jan 2 at 2am.

One thing... my email says my certificate will be shipped on DECEMBER. That can’t be right, is it? Did anyone else get the same?



New Member
I received my experience approval yesterday around 4pm. I submitted it on Jan 2 at 2am.

One thing... my email says my certificate will be shipped on DECEMBER. That can’t be right, is it? Did anyone else get the same?


Yes and I fully expect this forum thread to be busy in December/January full of people waiting for that too :)

Luckily you don't need the certificate, as you can opt in to the register and an employer can see you are certified from that (if they feel the need to check)


Active Member
I received my experience approval yesterday around 4pm. I submitted it on Jan 2 at 2am.

One thing... my email says my certificate will be shipped on DECEMBER. That can’t be right, is it? Did anyone else get the same?


I had the same message

I think they didn't change it.

They should dispatch the certificate end of March as usual.


Active Member
Unfortunately I don't think any of us can expect anything today. It's President's Day, a national holiday in the U.S. Many businesses are closed.
I misunderstood it but absolutely nothing against your or any IT developer. Just highlighting that my case is a no brainer for the experience validator and after 6 weeks I`m still waiting.
Now that you have confirmed that your work experience is verified I would like to reply to your message.
1. I’ve stated the approximate time of my submission more than once in this thread. If I had submitted my work experience before you then why shouldn’t my work experience get verified first?
2. I easily exceed the two years requirement of risk experience. I have hands-on experience with managing and mitigating operational, market and credit risk.
3. I’ve also been involved with the issue of data aggregation to feed to a central repository where AI/ML is to be employed. I’ve come up with a prototype ML model for my firm last year with a working proof of concept for ‘intelligence’ in risk management. I didn’t submit this last part in my work experience as point 2. was sufficient to meet the criteria. Similarly, it makes no difference if you are in the risk field since 2011 or 2001. If you have completed 2 years of risk work and what you say is easily verifiable then that should be sufficient.
You say you ‘misunderstood’ but it was clear from your previous message what you were insinuating.


Active Member
Now that you have confirmed that your work experience is verified I would like to reply to your message.
1. I’ve stated the approximate time of my submission more than once in this thread. If I had submitted my work experience before you then why shouldn’t my work experience get verified first?
2. I easily exceed the two years requirement of risk experience. I have hands-on experience with managing and mitigating operational, market and credit risk.
3. I’ve also been involved with the issue of data aggregation to feed to a central repository where AI/ML is to be employed. I’ve come up with a prototype ML model for my firm last year with a working proof of concept for ‘intelligence’ in risk management. I didn’t submit this last part in my work experience as point 2. was sufficient to meet the criteria. Similarly, it makes no difference if you are in the risk field since 2011 or 2001. If you have completed 2 years of risk work and what you say is easily verifiable then that should be sufficient.
You say you ‘misunderstood’ but it was clear from your previous message what you were insinuating.

Again, nothing against you really and sorry again if I blessed you. Never said that I'm better than you.

My issue was that I have 10 year of investment risk management and it is a totally no brainer to validate my job experience.

The issue is not me or you, is their process. and during this session it is really slow.

Max Melkin

New Member
A good colleague of mine has also passed the 2nd part on the fall '19, and also awaiting the approval so far. But he isn't really bothered with GARP taking so long... As he literally has no time for complaining, while being in the middle of preparing for CFA L3. Could be taken as an advice for the impatient ones :)

Max Melkin

New Member
For the sake to comprehend the scope GARP is dealing with, I've counted the number of newly certifieds for one of the recent quarters, and got the number of around 2,800 persons per quarter!

If there's only one GARP employee who dedicates 8 hours a day to the confirmation job only, and he spends e.g. 10 minutes per 1 confirmation, it should take exactly 1 quarter to process everyone's CV.
I really hope they have more than one man to do the job.


Active Member
That's word, we pray(pray, pray)
We got to pray
Just for certification today

I said we pray(pray) ah, yeah, pray(pray)
We got to pray
Just to hear something today

That's word, we pray...

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