Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback


New Member
even my status has changed in last 20 mins and i can see Part 2 pass related message ... that sinking feeling is now gone and going by the comments above i am hoping for the best now
Last year I received the mail at 22pm central Europe time, but january 3rd. Just checked.
Do not remember when got official results but surely the mail was delayed a 10/12 hours


Active Member
still have this message on "my programs" page: "Registration is not available while awaiting results"....does this mean that I did not pass?


New Member
I can see the reminder "You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by November 2021. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate."
However, I am unable to register for part 2 and message "Registration is not available while awaiting results" is being displayed.
Is every one getting the same message or you are able to register for part 2.


New Member
I have got both, the message saying you "You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by November 2021. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate.", as well as the ability to register for part 2 now.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Just a thought from your team at BT ;) I think it is very important for everyone to remember that you cannot be 100% sure of your pass or fail status until you receive the actual results from GARP. Over the years, we have seen changes in the website, issues with logging in, people receiving errors or messages one minute and then it changing the next minute. When GARP releases the ACTUAL results on the website, then you will know 100% if you passed or failed. I know it is so difficult to wait, but the time is so close now! We wish everyone luck on their results!! :)



New Member
I'm surprised how GARP hasn't addressed this bug in the website. Then again, some people here could just be trolling.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I'm surprised how GARP hasn't addressed this bug in the website. Then again, some people here could just be trolling.
I don't believe it is a bug really. As GARP is uploading the results to their website, things may change on the site. Maybe it does mean something, and maybe it doesn't. I just don't think anyone should rely on being able to register or not to determine their pass/fail results before the results are fully uploaded. I understand it is difficult to be patient while waiting for the results. I'm just a person that likes to rely on official results instead of trying to guess whether or not a message or ability to register on their site means something ;)


New Member
Anyone who is still not getting this message "You will need to pass level 2 by November 2021". This would help to identify if this message really have any meaning.


New Member
Everyone needs to remember you can register for level 2 even before passing level 1. FRM allows candidates to take both exams on the same day. I also have the "You will need to pass level 2 by November 2021", but agree with Nicole it doesn't mean anything until you see GARP confirm it via email.


New Member
LOL .. it's definitely a glitch in the system as they are still updating the database. I also saw I pass, but then when I refresh just to make sure, it goes back to "Coming Soon"


New Member
showed passed. then disappeared showing coming out soon. refreshed a few times and showed passed again. i can even download the results. now showing coming out soon again...


New Member
showed passed and downloaded all analysis - now back to 'in progress'.

2 | 2 | 3 | 2

Stoked - def thought I would be on the border of a P/F...