November 17, 2012 Exam Results released - January 2, 2013


At what point in the registration process did everyone get those screens? Like as soon as you hit register for L2, after you "pay", after you put in personal data, etc?


New Member
I got the following screen after I try to register for Level 2 (when I am already logged in)

Thank you for trying to register for the FRM / ERP Exam. Because you registered for the same Exam and the 2012 Exam results have not yet been released, we cannot allow you to register for the FRM / ERP Exam at this time. Once the results are published on January 2,2013 at that time you will be allowed to register for May 18, 2013 Examination.

I took only L2 in Nov 2012.


I'm on mobile and it let me go all the way where I put my CC info in, and I took L2 Nov12 as well. Guess I failed.


New Member
honestly, I don't think you can tell what GARP means--I think Suzanne and David are right....I am just nervous is all....


New Member
I logedbin and tried to register and it gave me msg tht. Thank you for trying to register for the FRM / ERP Exam. Because you registered for the same Exam and the 2012 Exam results have not yet been released, we cannot allow you to register for the FRM / ERP Exam at this time. Once the results are published on January 2,2013 at that time you will be allowed to register for May 18, 2013 Examination.

But if i try to registeer n thn login thn it allows me to registrr for part II... if ths is the case with everone thn it means results r not updated yet...if not thn i failed.. damn


I'm on mobile and it let me go all the way where I put my CC info in, and I took L2 Nov12 as well. Guess I failed.

so if I understand right, you don't see the message
"Thank you for trying to register for the FRM / ERP Exam. Because you registered for the same Exam and the 2012 Exam results have not yet been released, we cannot allow you to register for the FRM / ERP Exam at this time. Once the results are published on January 2,2013 at that time you will be allowed to register for May 18, 2013 Examination."
when you try to register, right?


New Member
I don't get your post, M_FRM. If you aren't logged in then wouldn't you be able to only register as a new FRM candidate?

Three days left and, as others have said, best to just wait it out at this point.


New Member
No what i meant was thr r two things
1) i click on register and thn login - ths allows me to register for part II
2 i login to my account and thn clixk on register link - ths does not allow me to register gives msg to wait for rsult to be out..

Neways lets wait till 2nd..


m_frm, no need to worry, when I attempt to register I receive the same message..but the problem is that someone (e.g. pojo) is getting a different message, that states they already passed the exam, so that they can no more register for the can it be possible?


New Member
I think there was a bug which has now been fixed, at one point I was able to log in, try to register and I got a message saying I'd passed, but as I said I think that was a bug, now I get the same message as everyone else saying the results have not been released. Might as well just wait, sorry if my earlier message caused confusion.


New Member
M_FRM - my bad, I see what you are saying now.

pojo - lucky, I would much rather go into the next 3 days with your bug than the one we are seeing now :)

Good luck everybody!


I have tried today to reregister for part 1 and allow me to go untill the 5th step which i have to pay, so is this mean that i failed? but i have tried another time to register and gave a massage says :
Thank you for trying to register for the FRM / ERP Exam. Because you registered for the same Exam and the 2012 Exam results have not yet been released, we cannot allow you to register for the FRM / ERP Exam at this time. Once the results are published on January 2,2013 at that time you will be allowed to register for May 18, 2013 Examination.

and tried to register for third time and when ask me to choose the part i want to register for, there was no (part 1) choice just part 2. :)

so i am some what happy for this message :)