New Website Launch

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I'm sure you have all noticed that we launched our new website last night! We are very excited to share this new site with you!

We want to be sure that everything goes smoothly, and would appreciate it if you could post any issues that you may be experiencing here in this thread so we can resolve it as quickly as possible. We also welcome any feedback that you may have about the new site! We appreciate your patience with any issues that may arise during this process! :)



Active Member
Hi @Nicole Manley ,

I tried to log in and got an error message saying my username/e-mail adress is not correct.
Exactly it says: The password you entered for the username is incorrect.

Nethertheless I was able to go to the forum and post this.
Unfortunately I am not able to access the Study Planer to download the PartII materials which I subscribed to.

I will try this tomorrow again, maybe it is just a temperary issue.

kind regards, aenny


New Member
@Nicole Manley
Attempting to open/download a .pdf of the study notes (Part II Market Risk Measurement) but keep receiving this error:

Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/bionictu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-stamper/lib/SetaPDF/Stamper/SetaPDF_Stamper.php requires a license file.htSetaPDF-Stamper.icl. in Unknown on line 0

However I can access the instructional videos.


New Member
@Nicole Manley

Hi Nicole,

The user interface for the new website is cool !

However, I cannot download the study materials from the Study planner. Whenever I'm trying to download study notes, I get the following error.

Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/bionictu/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-pdf-stamper/lib/SetaPDF/Stamper/SetaPDF_Stamper.php requires a license file .htSetaPDF-Stamper.icl. in Unknown on line 0

Request you to kindly address.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the new launch BT Team. I am now able to log into the Stud Planner but it appears I do not have permission to download anything other than the samples. I should have professional level access to both levels I and II. Thanks!


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@brian.field Thank you so much for the feedback, as our developers are trying to ascertain why you didn't have access immediately. I am going to assume you didn't do anything other than you waited and tried again? (or, knowing you, you would have mentioned it). Thanks for your help!


New Member
Hello Nicole,

Lots of PDF files are no opening in FRM Part 1, have been trying since yesterday, on on issue was fixed. Som examples are: Hull, Tarantino and the ''principles'' topics.

Would appreciate your feedback about when you expect the fix.




Active Member
Hi @Nicole Manley ,

I tried to log in and got an error message saying my username/e-mail adress is not correct.
Exactly it says: The password you entered for the username is incorrect.

Nethertheless I was able to go to the forum and post this.
Unfortunately I am not able to access the Study Planer to download the PartII materials which I subscribed to.

I will try this tomorrow again, maybe it is just a temperary issue.

kind regards, aenny

HI! Now everythinkg works. I was a little confused that I got an email from 'worldpress' telling me to renew my password, but now everything is okay. I also have access to the purchased context on the studyplanner!

thanks ;)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello Nicole,

Lots of PDF files are no opening in FRM Part 1, have been trying since yesterday, on on issue was fixed. Som examples are: Hull, Tarantino and the ''principles'' topics.

Would appreciate your feedback about when you expect the fix.


Hello @alona.ei.alona

Can you please let me know which Hull document specifically? I just tested the Principles and Tarantino documents and all of the PDFs opened with no issues. Are you having trouble with any other PDFs? If so, make sure that your PDF software is the most recent and up to date version, as this can cause you to not be able to view documents correctly. If you are receiving an error, please post a screenshot of the error so we can further troubleshoot.

Thank you


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
cant seem to download pdf's it instead opens up same link
Hello @arkabose

If you are not receiving an error, then the study planner is working correctly for you. The document that you click on will open in your browser and you can click on the save button to download it to your computer. Please let me know if you are getting an error when trying to download.

Website Issue 1.jpg


New Member
@Nicole Manley

Hi Nicole,

In my Study Planner, I'm unable to find the study notes of Miller (Chapters: 2,3,4,6,7). This belongs to FRM P1 - Quantitative Analysis module.

Request your assistance.

Thanks for all the help!
