Exam Feedback May 2019 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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New Member
And do we know if everybody gets results at the same time? E.g. I’m in Europe, will I need to wait until business day in the US opens?


New Member
99.99% that GARP will not announce results earlier, otherwise they will lose credibility. Also, they have a process where particular group responsible for the emails, web-site updates, customer service ready to deal with people believing that they should have passed the exam. Results will start going out at 9am ET, meaning that Europeans will get results during the lunch. Some people get results earlier, someone later on as there may be issue with the servers and I don't know how they send results - based on the pass/failure or the GARP ID. Usually, on similar exams if I have passed I got email slightly around 9am and if I failed, it was around 11am. Doens't work all the time but noticed a trend.


New Member
Cool, thanks. I am taking vacation that next week. I'm really hoping I pass so I don't have to dwell on it lol.
I suggest you focus on vacations and enjoy your time. Results are beyond you control and thinking about them may add only anxiety, especially a few days before.


New Member
anyone can see on the website it says "your enrollment will expire on ~ " ? IF you see this sentence, You pass
or you still see " You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by ~ .. You fail..

but it is not updated yet on my page..
My status reads "Reminder: You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by May 2022. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate."

But this has been the same since the day after the exam and hasn't changed.


New Member
Mine says Registration is not available while awaiting results.
everyone has the same and I don't expect it to be changed until results are loaded on the web-site. If it works, it will be on Thursday as there is a need to test whether results are accessible on Friday.


Active Member
anyone can see on the website it says "your enrollment will expire on ~ " ? IF you see this sentence, You pass
or you still see " You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by ~ .. You fail..

but it is not updated yet on my page..

Don't think it means anything YET....since all of us are getting the latter message, the same message I've been seeing for the past month.

Lest someone can confirm they AREN'T getting that message, the results haven't been uploaded. In the past the results were uploaded at around 0600 GMT of the previous day.
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Have seen last time in FRM part 1 Nov'19 exam feedback forum discussion, link of May'19 exam results was posted/referred for Nov'19 exam and that created lots of unnecessary nuance to all part1 users in the forum. Please refrain from doing so this time... Lets be patient enough until results are reflected in GARP website by whatever time. All the best to everyone of you ahead of the most awaiting day...
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