Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
I'm a bit worried by all of you saying it was a straightforward or even easy exam, to be honest. I found it much stranger, and less straightforward, than the mocks, or than the Nov'17 Part I. In a lot of cases, the questions made sense to me but the answer choices didn't. Thought I was well prepared, but left quite unsure if I'd pass. Let's see end of June I guess.
Very true. I too didn't found the exam easier than Nov'17 Level 1 but found it to be bit typical. Really have to wait for June end


New Member

@Elmin367: Maybe 15.3, I know there were two answers with the same number so I chose one of those. But maybe there were two with 15.8 and one with 15.3, I just remember that I chose one number that appeared two times.


New Member
What is the cutt-off for a sure pass. I did badly in part 1 in my opinion and got 1121 but this time i got about 45 right for sure and few 50-50 and 10 random guesses as i was only doing this in the last hour. Had finished my paper in three hours. Could not improve questions by rechecking in the last hour. So i kept looking for answers i was sure about and counting them.


New Member
I also feel that using BT materials and the garp mock exam were a good prep and the exam felt easy. hopefully my good feeling is not misleading.

however, I was only confused about the "random forest question" because I felt the other answer with neural networks also seemed right, as the data scientist ("engineer" in the question) needs to define how the neural network is set up before the model is fitted. hence I debated with myself quite a while before picking the neural network answer. I really feel that the answer choices on that question were not well specified.
did anyone feels the same?


New Member
I also feel that using BT materials and the garp mock exam were a good prep and the exam felt easy. hopefully my good feeling is not misleading.

however, I was only confused about the "random forest question" because I felt the other answer with neural networks also seemed right, as the data scientist ("engineer" in the question) needs to define how the neural network is set up before the model is fitted. hence I debated with myself quite a while before picking the neural network answer. I really feel that the answer choices on that question were not well specified.
did anyone feels the same?

I remember now seeing this option, but then I saw "high quality data" and this made me discard it.


New Member
I remember now seeing this option, but then I saw "high quality data" and this made me discard it.

the high quality part actually made sense to me as well, that's why I was very confused :)

let's hope that this question doesn't make the difference between pass and fail :p

and on the other questions, I agree that hazard rate was disproportional, which I welcomed as I found them straightforward.


New Member
What is the cutt-off for a sure pass. I did badly in part 1 in my opinion and got 1121 but this time i got about 45 right for sure and few 50-50 and 10 random guesses as i was only doing this in the last hour. Had finished my paper in three hours. Could not improve questions by rechecking in the last hour. So i kept looking for answers i was sure about and counting them.
There is no such cut off. Garp clears candidates top 50-52% candidates every year for L2


New Member
I think the exam was overall not so difficult as compared to Level 1. The Quantitive part was easy but the qualitative part was tricky. I found even some question in which there was no correct answer. Question-related to operational risk was quite difficult


New Member
What’s the answer for Arranger and Asset Manager role? I think there was a question on this.

I think it was adverse selection, but I chose the wrong one: one was about due diligence (I chose this one), the other about contributing with his own funds (I believe this was the right one).


New Member
What about SMA approach question

What were the options? I already forgot. One of the answers was something about different bank sizes, right? I know I did not chose this one.

Does someone remember about the EL from a PIT model question? I went that it was not suitable for Stress test, but was very unsure.

Stella G

New Member
Hello all!

Does anyone know what is the official GARP policy with regards to the wall clocks in the exam rooms? In London there was no clock in the room and we were only relying on the proctors announcements of the remaining time. However, I have been informed that in the exam room of a different country there was a wall clock! Any ideas??

Many thanks!
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