Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
On Friday I would have been pretty gutted if I someone told me I got those scores. Come Sunday I'd be thrilled with the pass. Tough day.


New Member
How many of you think 32~40/80 (40%-50%) could be passing score in this exam? Given the difficulty level, it can be passing score, who knows!


Well-Known Member
How many of you think 32~40/80 (40%-50%) could be passing score in this exam? Given the difficulty level, it can be passing score, who knows!
Wishful thinking. In the US, the passing grades are 70% and above (a grade of C). Given the level of difficulty, it would be difficult for me to go below 60% as the cutoff.
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New Member
Hmm may be you are right, but given the fact that generally 55% is the passing rate, it is hard to believe that 55% of all people who appeared will score more than 60% marks in this exam. I could be overly optimistic though.


Well-Known Member
Hmm may be you are right, but given the fact that generally 55% is the passing rate, it is hard to believe that 55% of all people who appeared will score more than 60% marks in this exam. I could be overly optimistic though.
First, I hope you're right. Second, looking at it from a different angle, 45% scored below 60% so for me that's a pretty high rate of failure. We don't know where most people who pass land, it could very well be 65% on average and considering that's a failing grade in most schools I know of highlights the difficulty of this exam. 40 to 50% just sounds too low to me, but hey you could be right.


Guys,since we're talking of FRM P2 here,let's appreciate the fact that the marks obtained will follow a probability distribution with thin tails(very few will nail it out and out or flunk horribly).There's no linear logic that says 75%==gold medal and hence 60%==pass.What if few dozen people get 75% but then we have a thin tail extending all the way to 55%(mean value or 45 odd marks...)?And passing would be slightly below mean actually.Also let's not forget that out of 80 questions,5 silly errors set your score off by 6%!!And this test had many such minefields.So one can't compare to college passing grades obviously,where 6% difference is a seriously big gap.So it'll boil down to where the most dense area of the distribution lies actually,and that can easily shift by 5-6 marks because os so many darn close options.Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Guys,since we're talking of FRM P2 here,let's appreciate the fact that the marks obtained will follow a probability distribution with thin tails(very few will nail it out and out or flunk horribly).There's no linear logic that says 75%==gold medal and hence 60%==pass.What if few dozen people get 75% but then we have a thin tail extending all the way to 55%(mean value or 45 odd marks...)?And passing would be slightly below mean actually.Also let's not forget that out of 80 questions,5 silly errors set your score off by 6%!!And this test had many such minefields.So one can't compare to college passing grades obviously,where 6% difference is a seriously big gap.So it'll boil down to where the most dense area of the distribution lies actually,and that can easily shift by 5-6 marks because os so many darn close options.Just my two cents.
I like it! Hey, the lower you can make this thing go the better it looks to me. At the end of the day, what happens on the 28th of June is all that matters. Actually, here is another analysis @ShaktiRathore put together that you stats lovers will enjoy.



New Member
I scored between 80 and 90 % at all mock and previous practice exams, however I have the feeling I failed this exam.
Why ? I think I understood the content but I was not prepared at that kind of twisted minded questions.
I used Schweser : well structured but far too easy Qbank questions.
And BT : more summarized but more deep questions that make you really understand the topics (especially the quantitative ones), for what I am very thankful.

Why isn't any practice exam expressing the difficulty of what every student faces every year ?
Apparently every year there are negative surprises.
Is the question's writing and difficulty evolving that fast ?

As every student won't have more than 2 experiences in each step, I hope :), it would be interesting to have a more long term view of this evolution.

@David, do you receive from Garp the real exams questions (after the exam dates at least) ?

If not, would it be a good investment to send an trustful person at each exam just to extract the questions and methodology, in order to adapt the studies/practices more accordingly and increase the passing rate ?




Well-Known Member
I scored between 80 and 90 % at all mock and previous practice exams, however I have the feeling I failed this exam.
Why ? I think I understood the content but I was not prepared at that kind of twisted minded questions.
I used Schweser : well structured but far too easy Qbank questions.
And BT : more summarized but more deep questions that make you really understand the topics (especially the quantitative ones), for what I am very thankful.

Why isn't any practice exam expressing the difficulty of what every student faces every year ?
Apparently every year there are negative surprises.
Is the question's writing and difficulty evolving that fast ?

As every student won't have more than 2 experiences in each step, I hope :), it would be interesting to have a more long term view of this evolution.

@David, do you receive from Garp the real exams questions (after the exam dates at least) ?

If not, would it be a good investment to send an trustful person at each exam just to extract the questions and methodology, in order to adapt the studies/practices more accordingly and increase the passing rate ?


I scored between 80 and 90 % at all mock and previous practice exams, however I have the feeling I failed this exam.
Why ? I think I understood the content but I was not prepared at that kind of twisted minded questions.
I used Schweser : well structured but far too easy Qbank questions.
And BT : more summarized but more deep questions that make you really understand the topics (especially the quantitative ones), for what I am very thankful.

Why isn't any practice exam expressing the difficulty of what every student faces every year ?
Apparently every year there are negative surprises.
Is the question's writing and difficulty evolving that fast ?

As every student won't have more than 2 experiences in each step, I hope :), it would be interesting to have a more long term view of this evolution.

@David, do you receive from Garp the real exams questions (after the exam dates at least) ?

If not, would it be a good investment to send an trustful person at each exam just to extract the questions and methodology, in order to adapt the studies/practices more accordingly and increase the passing rate ?



I think most people, including myself, feel the same way as you. I think the CFA Institute makes the prior exams available but GARP doesn't. Out of all the practice exams that I took, the GARP practice exams were easiest; but as you saw, the exam was the toughest. I think the surprise can be somewhat alleviated if they make prior exam(s) available; I personally don't see any issue with this as it won't take away from the difficulty of the topics as right now the level of surprise increases the difficulty which shouldn't be the case IMO. With that said, if you were scoring 80 to 90 % in practice exams/tests then I think you should have less to worry about than most.