London L1 is a disaster!


New Member
Turned up at the exam site. Queued for 15 minutes. Searched for my name on the register for another 5 minutes... Turns out level 1 candidates have been given the wrong exam site!!

What a mess! Nothing like adding to the exam stress levels!


New Member
Ok - so we started an hour later than scheduled - which just means less time before afternoon session. There were some noisy builders on site to add to the stress and the carbon copy paper didn't work well/at all.

Overall my impression of GARP's organisation skills are not great!


New Member
i had to agree tat the carbon copy thingy is a pain.. had to press real hard to get decent mark

on top of tat, the proctors arent much of a help... they arent sure of many things themselves...


Hi Jhon & Panasonic, :lol:

i am also sitting for L1 at Jakarta (Indonesia), only attended by 6 people (include me).

may i know how many people sit for L1 at London.

PS : sorry to hear about your 'uncomfortable' during the exam


New Member
There were about 100 people taking the exam. One didn't show for the afternoon (that sure confused the proctors!) and one turned
up 5mins after we started the PM session - but
bizarrely was still allowed in.

I also spotted at least 1 typo in the PM exam (or at least my variant of the exam).