Is it good to study all the details?


Active Member
dear @David Harper CFA FRM

I faced especially during my memorise the equations that there are some equations or subjects consider as a sub-themes or contain details far away from the main topic,,,for example in book 1, I was puzzled that I should memorise or not memorise the equations related to topics, such as for example:

- how to calculate Jensen alpha considering the black model.
- how to calculate Jensen alpha considering the Brennan model.
- calculate information ratio using (t) statistic.
- the equations related to zero-beta portfoilo (may be it is not sub-themes).
- treynor-black (T - B) procedures.
- information ratio of active portfolio.
- sharp ratio to the optimized portfolio.

In general I am asking about the equations that you did not mention in (BT Study Notes or BT Instructional Videos or in BT Question Sets)?

please, can you help??

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
dear @David Harper CFA FRM

I faced especially during my memorise the equations that there are some equations or subjects consider as a sub-themes or contain details far away from the main topic,,,for example in book 1, I was puzzled that I should memorise or not memorise the equations related to topics, such as for example:

- how to calculate Jensen alpha considering the black model.
- how to calculate Jensen alpha considering the Brennan model.
- calculate information ratio using (t) statistic.
- the equations related to zero-beta portfoilo (may be it is not sub-themes).
- treynor-black (T - B) procedures.
- information ratio of active portfolio.
- sharp ratio to the optimized portfolio.

In general I am asking about the equations that you did not mention in (BT Study Notes or BT Instructional Videos or in BT Question Sets)?

please, can you help??

Hello @hellohi

You want to make sure to follow GARP's learning objectives, which provides the concepts that will be tested on the exam. Because we are not always able to provide updated materials for all of the readings in the curriculum, I do not suggest skipping equations just because they are not in the BT materials. If they are in the GARP learning objectives, you will want to make sure you have memorized them. I hope this helps!



Active Member
Hello @hellohi

You want to make sure to follow GARP's learning objectives, which provides the concepts that will be tested on the exam. Because we are not always able to provide updated materials for all of the readings in the curriculum, I do not suggest skipping equations just because they are not in the BT materials. If they are in the GARP learning objectives, you will want to make sure you have memorized them. I hope this helps!

thanks a lot


Active Member
jsut has another question

there is overlapping between some readings, for example between Hull and McDonald in book : Financial Markets & Products.

so what we should do,,,,especially that the same equations according to the two authers uses different symbols and this make things more difficult in memorize and master the equations?


Matthew Graves

Active Member
In the case where there is overlap, I would suggest just memorizing one set of equations. I tend to find there is one set I prefer/find easier to remember and I just stick with that one. In the end, if you understand the concepts that the equations relate to they are much easier to remember, regardless of notation.