IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2016

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
We have received questions about when the 2016 materials will be available. Bionic Turtle begins to publish new materials in January each year, and we continue to publish materials throughout the exam period (January through November). This means that the materials are updated on a continuous basis throughout the exam period and not immediately all at once. A great deal of the materials that are currently in the study planner are relevant to the 2016 exam, as GARP does not change the entire curriculum every year. In January, you will begin to see the new readings added to the study planner, as our team is working VERY hard to prepare the new and updated materials.

There are two ways for you to see when new materials are published:
  1. A "new" symbol will appear next to the new materials in the study planner
  2. We will keep a list of newly published materials in the forum
It takes a great deal of time to prepare new materials to coincide with the GARP curriculum. We ask all of our users to please refrain from asking when specific materials will be published, as each time we have to answer this status update question, it takes valuable time away from our preparation. We appreciate your patience during this very busy time.

Thank you all for using Bionic Turtle, and we wish you luck in your studies!! :)

Edited to add: Please visit these links on our FAQ page to learn more about our publishing process, and why you may not see some materials published.
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tahir saeed

New Member
Can you please mention the detailed availability of each material. For example when study notes will be available, when quizzes will be available and when video lectures will be available for the candidates.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Can you please mention the detailed availability of each material. For example when study notes will be available, when quizzes will be available and when video lectures will be available for the candidates.

Hello @tahir saeed

As stated above, "We ask all of our users to please refrain from asking when specific materials will be published, as each time we have to answer this status update question, it takes valuable time away from our preparation." We work very hard to prepare and publish materials as quickly as humanly possible. While you wait for new materials to be published, the materials that are currently in the study planner are still relevant to the 2016 exam.

Thank you,



@Nicole Manley
I appreciate your request about refraining from asking when each topic will be completed but I think that you should announce when full materials will be ready.
I'm planning to join your program for P2 but I shocked when I found that there is no dead line. No one will accept to keep releasing materials until 20th May for example!
Hope to announce when materials when be ready in full. Again, I'm not asking for a date for each topic. I need to know when 100% will be reached? Hope that this is a valid question.

One more Q as I was not using BT in P1, is your material a PDF file for each reading or multiple files for each reading or what is the case ?


@Nicole Manley
I appreciate your request about refraining from asking when each topic will be completed but I think that you should announce when full materials will be ready.
I'm planning to join your program for P2 but I shocked when I found that there is no dead line. No one will accept to keep releasing materials until 20th May for example!
Hope to announce when materials when be ready in full. Again, I'm not asking for a date for each topic. I need to know when 100% will be reached? Hope that this is a valid question.

One more Q as I was not using BT in P1, is your material a PDF file for each reading or multiple files for each reading or what is the case ?

For each reading, theres usually 1 pdf (notes) and 1 pdf(questions)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @Maged,

We do not give a timeline on when all of materials will be published, as it would be impossible for us to give an exact date. For example, we post a brand new set of 3 daily practice questions each week Monday through Friday (totaling 12 new practice questions per week) in the forum. David writes these unique questions right up until May, which gives our subscribers an abundance of practice questions to work on. These practice questions are published as question sets in the study planner when a full set of learning objectives has been covered. We work very hard to make sure that we publish as much as humanly possible before May to give our subscribers time to study. GARP does not change the entire curriculum every year so most of the materials are already published in the Study Planner from last year, as they have not changed. Any readings that are new or have some learning objectives added to them will be published as soon as possible.

To answer your other question about the PDF files, it is easiest if you take a look at the Study Planner to see how it is set up. If you click on Part 1, Topic 1, you will see all of the readings listed under Topic 1. You can view all of the materials that are published under each specific readings. Some readings will have study notes, practice question sets, spreadsheets and instructional videos. Some readings will not have all of those materials depending on how in-depth the learning objectives are. The study notes and practice question sets are in PDF format so they can be downloaded for offline viewing or printing. Our videos, which are in MP4 format, can also be downloaded for offline viewing.

Even if you have not purchased, you can see which materials are currently published in the Study Planner. This will make it easier for you to see how the Study Planner is set up, and for you to see that many materials are already published.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you,


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Maged We won't have an answer for you because it's not our priority (i.e., to finish the "last reading"), it never has been. We have this conversation every year. Some of the readings are barely relevant, others are highly relevant. Some new readings won't be tested. Some old readings have never really been tested. Some LOs remain untestable. 100% coverage is a nice marketing goal, but it's not our goal. If our goal was a "due date for the last reading," then the first two things I would do to achieve such a goal is (i) shut down the forum or severely limit the forum and (ii) stop writing new practice questions. But both of these things help customers pass the exam. Our first sequential priority is adding practice questions to cover relevant gaps. (While giving active support). Then updating notes. Then videos. We are constantly adding/updating our material but against a practical criteria (i.e., what is most relevant?). So, for example, we will prioritize updating an existing study note ahead of adding a new study note, if the reading is significantly more relevant (we utilize and extensive internal project manger to sort these priorities). With respect to providing dates, we won't be doing that either. It's just too stressful because it adds a whole layer of communication. Nicole and I work hard enough trying to answer as many questions as we can every day. I will tell you that I am hoping to have P1 notes mostly updated by middle of February and P2 notes mostly updated by end of March, if that's helpful. But that's not a concrete promise for 100% coverage. I evolved into these priorities after ten years of serving the FRM and proving the results in qualitative and quantitative (ie, significantly higher pass rates) feedback. Thanks!
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New Member
Dear David,

First of all, let me thank you all for the overall quality of the materials.

I have a question regarding Meissner study notes for FRM Part 2. ¿Are you going to upload them? In case that you do not consider this topic relevant so as to prepare study notes, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @mariosantos,

Thank you for using Bionic Turtle! Yes, we do plan on publishing the Meissner study notes. As noted in this thread, we do try our hardest to prepare and publish materials for each reading, but we are unable to give status updates on specific readings.

Thank you,



New Member
Hi Nicole,

My question relates to package content, not the update process: for Part I last year each and every main topic (e.g.Valuation and Risk Models) included "Global Topic Drill" and printable interactive quizzes and also about 5 Mock exam in Part I Overview, I found very useful in the preparation as these materials contained additional practice questions. I was satisfied with the coverage of advanced package, but now I can't see any of them in Part II (nor in Part I). Is this due to the swithing to the new website (old materails vanished), are they subject to update or this is new policy about the content you would like to povide?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @eszaknyugat

Your questions really is related to the publishing process because the Global Topic Drills, Mock Exams and Interactive Quizzes are all materials that will be published during the exam period, but have not been published yet. Please rest assured that we will be adding these materials to the study planner as soon as we possibly can. In the meantime, there is an abundance of materials that are currently published in the study planner so you can get started. :)




Active Member
We have received questions about when the 2016 materials will be available. Bionic Turtle begins to publish new materials in January each year, and we continue to publish materials throughout the exam period (January through November). This means that the materials are updated on a continuous basis throughout the exam period and not immediately all at once. A great deal of the materials that are currently in the study planner are relevant to the 2016 exam, as GARP does not change the entire curriculum every year. In January, you will begin to see the new readings added to the study planner, as our team is working VERY hard to prepare the new and updated materials.

There are two ways for you to see when new materials are published:
  1. A "new" symbol will appear next to the new materials in the study planner
  2. We will keep a list of newly published materials in the forum
It takes a great deal of time to prepare new materials to coincide with the GARP curriculum. We ask all of our users to please refrain from asking when specific materials will be published, as each time we have to answer this status update question, it takes valuable time away from our preparation. We appreciate your patience during this very busy time.

Thank you all for using Bionic Turtle, and we wish you luck in your studies!! :)

Hi Nicole,
I need a little guidance navigating through the material. The Chapter Names are Confusing as they are NOT named after the Topic they cover. The Chapter Names are :-
  1. Hull, Chapters
  2. McDonald Chapter
  3. Gregory, Chapters
  4. Saunders, Chapter
  5. Fabozzi, Chapter
  6. Tuckman, Chapter
  7. Caouette, Chapter
If I were to navigate into say the Broader Topic : Part I: Tools & Theory | Financial Markets & Products, and wanted to find the Videos or Notes on "Corporate Bonds" - how would I go about it..?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,
I need a little guidance navigating through the material. The Chapter Names are Confusing as they are NOT named after the Topic they cover. The Chapter Names are :-
  1. Hull, Chapters
  2. McDonald Chapter
  3. Gregory, Chapters
  4. Saunders, Chapter
  5. Fabozzi, Chapter
  6. Tuckman, Chapter
  7. Caouette, Chapter
If I were to navigate into say the Broader Topic : Part I: Tools & Theory | Financial Markets & Products, and wanted to find the Videos or Notes on "Corporate Bonds" - how would I go about it..?

Hello @gargi.adhikari

Our Study Planner is organized according to the exact order of the 2016 GARP curriculum by part, topic and reading. First, please keep in mind that we have not completely updated the materials for 2016 yet so there will be some content missing right now. This is discussed in the original post of this thread so our members are aware that we will be continuously adding and updating the materials.

If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the search function that is at the top of the study planner, but if you follow the GARP curriculum, you would look under the specific part, topic and reading. I would suggest downloading the GARP learning objectives for 2016 HERE on the GARP website. We also have a curriculum analysis spreadsheet published HERE in the forum that shows the changes that have been made from year to year. For example, when I look at the GARP curriculum in Part 1, Financial Markets & Products, I can see that Corporate Bonds are covered in the learning objectives under Reading 23: Fabozzi, Chapter 12, Corporate Bonds. I hope this helps!

Thank you,



Active Member
Hello @gargi.adhikari

Our Study Planner is organized according to the exact order of the 2016 GARP curriculum by part, topic and reading. First, please keep in mind that we have not completely updated the materials for 2016 yet so there will be some content missing right now. This is discussed in the original post of this thread so our members are aware that we will be continuously adding and updating the materials.

If you are looking for a specific topic, you can use the search function that is at the top of the study planner, but if you follow the GARP curriculum, you would look under the specific part, topic and reading. I would suggest downloading the GARP learning objectives for 2016 HERE on the GARP website. We also have a curriculum analysis spreadsheet published HERE in the forum that shows the changes that have been made from year to year. For example, when I look at the GARP curriculum in Part 1, Financial Markets & Products, I can see that Corporate Bonds are covered in the learning objectives under Reading 23: Fabozzi, Chapter 12, Corporate Bonds. I hope this helps!

Thank you,

@Nicole Manley Thank You so very much! Exactly what I needed to get used to the format of the contents and navigate my way through... :) Thank You Thank You ! :)


New Member

Can you advice why Part 1 T2 Miller notes are not available? as far as I know the material hasn't changed from last year.


New Member
Hi, if there is no "Coming Soon" tag next to a topic, does it mean the content remains status quo and it is alright to download now?
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