How are you getting on with L1?


New Member
Just thought I'd post a quick thread to see where people are with their studies. I have watched all videos and gone through all notes but am finding practice question tough going. Quant is killing me right now. Having only spent 120 hours so far not sure if I'm along the right tracks. I know for sure there are topics I need to revisit as my understanding is poor and first pass of material has not helped.


Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Do people actually keep count of hours they've done? :confused:
I count AIMs per day and compare against a plan I put down a month ago
I'm in part 2, and so far I'm only 1 day behind my schedule. Will need to get off this thread and cover the lag tonight :/

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
I could keep count, but it would only make me feel bad about my [lack of] work.
I have read 11 chapters (I think) out of whatever the total number in the GARP reading is, supplemented with Davids' notes where applicable.
Some of the chapters I'll skip as they seem irrelevant or too verbose, and will rely only on the notes for those chapters.
Will probably skip most of the GARP quantitative part and only read the notes and do exercises for those.
I have derived CAPM and variations thereof a million times so I won't bother touching that reading. Will only do notes and questions there as well.
Besides, the CAPM/extended CAPM part is so irrelevant to real risk and asset allocation that it should be completely re-written in my opinion.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Besides, the CAPM/extended CAPM part is so irrelevant to real risk and asset allocation that it should be completely re-written in my opinion.
That's why I can't understand why GARP elaborated on CAPM with more readings in 2012, the over-attention to CAPM in FRM is my biggest current disappointment


New Member
Keeping a tally of hours I have done gives me a becnhmark as to how I am progressing with my study plan. For example 10 hours a week for 25 weeks. I like the idea of an AIM by AIM study plan but found this hard to plan for as the time taken per aim can vary greatly. Unfortunately for me work commitments are piling up at the mo and I'm not spending nealry enough time studying.

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
... I like the idea of an AIM by AIM study plan but found this hard to plan for as the time taken per aim can vary greatly...
That would be true about Part 1 curriculum, but topics are easier to divide and cover in part 2. You could almost go by page even.
Good luck.

Steve Jobs

Active Member
I couldn't study either due to working late for the past 2 months. So I'll be focusing on topics which have high testability. That's the new study plan.