GARP Exam Rules - ID

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
I noticed on the GARP exam ticket that your name should appear exactly as on your state issued ID.
My exam ticket has Aleksander Hansen, while my ID has my middle initial as well. Is that a problem?
(seem to recall middle initial being optional when signing up for GARP account.)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Aleks,

It has never been mentioned, to me knowledge, here in this forum, but I cannot imagine that it would be an issue, it's got to be not uncommon that the GARP ticket doesn't have the middle initial, I am thinking? I would like to think it's fine if the only difference is a middle initial but i can't confirm. I just pinged our contact with a link to your post, but as it's 6:49 EST, I am not counting on a reply ...

Good luck tomorrow, thanks again for your great participation in the forum!

@Suzanne: i copied you on query to Kristina, if you have a better idea, can you forward too? thanks,

Aleksander Hansen

Well-Known Member
Thanks David,

Yeah, I went to their website and clicked on edit profile, and there's not even a field for a middle name. Should be OK I guess.

Btw, I went by the Chicago test location today: it's a run-down classroom, in a dodgy are of town, with those chairs one use at public high-schools. Great since I'm left handed and they are all for right-handed people. Think GARP found the absolutely cheapest location to hold it at.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

She just replied: "Nope, it needs to match exactly. What is his GARP ID? I can fix it and he has to re-download his ticket."

Given the circumstances, I just included you in the email, using the email in your profile, i will private message you in case you don't get.... Thanks,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Me too, Kristina is awesome!!!

... I am just confused: if "there's not even a field for a middle name" yet it's a government ID, this would seem to be a repeatable problem


New Member
David, I am in the same boat as Aleks. Just sent you an email with relevant info.
I had no issues when taking FRM Part I, but I have since moved to another state and therefore taking with new ID and new location... A little paranoid. Thanks..


New Member
Thank you to both you and Kristina. The ticket has been updated appropriately. Sorry for any inconveniences it may have caused at such a late hour.


Active Member
I had the same issue and had to resolve it at the last day (Friday). GARP simply added my middle name to my first name. It's rediculous that they don't even allow us to have middle name.


New Member
Hello David, I am facing a similar problem to the one described above. When I registered for the FRM exam, the online form only asked for my first name. However, my passport includes also a middle name (which I do not use on a daily basis). I provided other details of my passport during registration (expiry date, ID number) but I didn't provide my middle name. Do you think it will be a problem if I don't have the middle name in the GARP system? My exam is next week. Many thanks in advance for your opinion.