We hope that everyone did well on the FRM Part 1 exam on Saturday!
We would love to hear any feedback that you have about the exam. How did it go? Did you encounter unexpected questions? How was the experience with all of the new COVID rules? Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide!
Update: The pass rate for the Part 1 October exam is 44%
Update on October Exam Results
In case there is any confusion as to when the October exam results are being released, this is on the GARP website. It shows that the results will now be released on December 4th. As stated in one of my posts above, trying to figure out if something on the website means that you passed or failed is not accurate. I do not recommend relying on anything you might find when logged into your GARP account until the official results are released. The hacks and tricks have been tried for a number of years, and they are not accurate. They just cause more stress for everyone. The glitches on the GARP website happen every year right before the results are released. :/

Update: The pass rate for the Part 1 October exam is 44%
Update on October Exam Results
In case there is any confusion as to when the October exam results are being released, this is on the GARP website. It shows that the results will now be released on December 4th. As stated in one of my posts above, trying to figure out if something on the website means that you passed or failed is not accurate. I do not recommend relying on anything you might find when logged into your GARP account until the official results are released. The hacks and tricks have been tried for a number of years, and they are not accurate. They just cause more stress for everyone. The glitches on the GARP website happen every year right before the results are released. :/

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