FRM 2011 results


Active Member
hi hind
where are y from?
i'm from jordan, my name is ibrahim, and i passed L1 also, if you want we study together for part two?

I passed level one : 2 1 2 3

Ankur S

Hi david,

I passed L1 with following q 1 3 2 2 and it would never have been possible without BT. I spent close to 2 and half mths studying it but couldnt have done it without your help. I sincerely appreciate your team's help.

Gearing up for L2.


Mohamed Sakr

New Member
Clear! 2 2 2 2 from the 1st attempt.

Thank you David! Never possible without your videos and Excel sheets, particularly the Excel sheets, the very complicated concept to explain or digest becomes a piece of cake after reivewing a related Excel sheet of yours.

Have a nice day!


Pased L1 with 1121!
Thanks 1000x to David & the team, I'm certain I couldn't have done it without you!
Already registered for L2 in May, printing course pack, starting right away :)


New Member
I cleared FRM level 1 - 1 3 1 1

Thank you David! If not for BT's awesome collection of practice questions and continued support through the forum, I don't think I would have been able to clear it. Thank you once again for putting together the best training program for FRM.

I had registered for the full FRM for Nov 2011 but had to downshift midway and focus on FRM 1 only. I did give FRM 2 a shot only because I had paid the exam fees, although without good preparation, and ended up with 3 3 4 4 3.

My next step: register for FRM level 2.


New Member
Hello David,

I have sat for FRM part I exam in November but unfortunately the results came out and I did not pass. I was not able to prepare as I should due to my hectic business schedule. I used schweser material for part I however, but I guess they were not sufficient.

Anyways, I am currently planning to submit the exam again in May and I need to ask you if it would possible, using your material, to be ready for both parts I and II by that time. I am planning to go with bionic turtle this time after the impressive feedbacks I have seen.

Appreciate your help and advice


Holmes - what is your background in Finance? I started studying in september and passed both parts. It's tough, though. What helped me was the fact that I'm still in college and my knowledge of calculus/finance is still very fresh. Part II is not very difficult in terms of maths, but it's a lot of theory.

However, you still have at least three months until May. It should be doable. David's videos are really good and the practice questions are a level above the exam. If you can master all practice questions, you can definitely pass the exam.


New Member
Thanks DimitriJ. I have a finance background but it was quite a while since college days (almost 6 years). I am planning to go for both exams because i need to finish this certificate in May (before promotion time :)). I just boughtBT material L1 & L2 and I will start from tomorrow morning. Do you have any advice for me? Like what should I start with? Should I start with study notes and then go to videos? Appreciate your help.


I would start with videos, no doubt about it. Watch the videos, they're 60% of what you need to know. Take your time to slowly absorb all videos, go back where necessary, and when you're done quickly review the notes and start doing the practice questions. Try doing the practice questions without referring to the notes. When you have a few weeks left, split your time between re-reading notes and doing questions. If there is something that needs explanation, re-watch a video. But a good first pass on every single video (which will take quite some time) will already create a certain amount of knowledge.

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Thanks Dmitrij,
I was looking for information like your last reply here.

Congratulations on your passing both exams.