FRM 2010 Practice Questions


New Member
Dear David:

I remenber you have put all pratice questios into a PDF file, called
FRM 2010 Practice Questions, which is like the GARP's practice exam.
I couldn't fine it on your web.
I tried the practice question and forum, but questions over there are all related to one individual topic.
Could you help me fine the file which put all kinds od question together?



New Member

Sorry I didn't express clearly.
Actually, what I want is the practice question authored by you.
The pdf file named FRM 2010 Practice Questions Level 1, authored by David Harper.
You put all questions into this pdf file.
I already have FRM 2010 Practice Questions Level 1. I need FRM 2010 Practice Questions Level 2.

Could you tell me where to fine the file?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi ckyeh - sorry, i don't follow. The L2 link above is current with respect to my questions (except the partial chapters, we go to PDF when a new chapter is finished).

There is no single PDFs with all of the L2 question sets, if that is what you mean? However, they are organized on that page....



New Member
Just a quick doubt,

Are the FRM exam questions published by GARP included in the "FRM 2010 Practice Questions" reviewed by David?

If yes, that would be one of the best news I've had lately, I thought I wouldn't have time to do David's Q's again (I went through them more than a month ago) because I would like to do the Garp Q also.

Good luck on Saturday to all candidates!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi alvaro,

Yes, I just edited the title of those (blog) entries to clarify. They now read (eg):
"2010 GARP practice exam super-annotated L1 (2/2)"

For those sets (2 for L1, 2 for L2), it is always the same procedure:
the first question is GARP's source. Then the "super-annotation" are the additional add-on question i write to try and swarm the same concept.

Good luck to you Alvaro, please come back and tell us about the exam!!



New Member
Many thanks, it's clearer now.

I'll be on Saturday or Sunday to give my impressions and also on January 4th with, I hope, good news.