Does garp only provide a pass/fail? Or will we get the actual questions and answers. Can you request your answers or booklet?
The conference room had NO clock. If Garp won't let you wear an ordinary watch then they should supply a clock. I made a huge mistake. I decided to circle and come back to answers if I wanted to double check the details or check for a caveat. When the proctor called 5 minutes, I went back and started filling in the circles. Well I only made it up to question
70 and ended leaving 10 to 12 questions blank...some of which I had answered in the booklet or alteast narrowed down. Don't think I passed. Think I would have passed if I just marked my answers. Not a good decision. But after 3.5 hours of testing with limited sleep, it seemed reasonable. I was ahead of the pace at 1, 2 and 3 hour marker.
For me, I am happy that learned what I wanted duration, convex, swap, bond etc. But don't think I passed. What was with all of the Basel questions?
The conference room had NO clock. If Garp won't let you wear an ordinary watch then they should supply a clock. I made a huge mistake. I decided to circle and come back to answers if I wanted to double check the details or check for a caveat. When the proctor called 5 minutes, I went back and started filling in the circles. Well I only made it up to question
70 and ended leaving 10 to 12 questions blank...some of which I had answered in the booklet or alteast narrowed down. Don't think I passed. Think I would have passed if I just marked my answers. Not a good decision. But after 3.5 hours of testing with limited sleep, it seemed reasonable. I was ahead of the pace at 1, 2 and 3 hour marker.
For me, I am happy that learned what I wanted duration, convex, swap, bond etc. But don't think I passed. What was with all of the Basel questions?