Exam Feedback November 2021 Part 1 Exam Feedback

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I logged in garp.org about an hour ago and results were released and I passed it! But now it seems they are not available anymore! I hope they will not change the result to fail!
I had the same issues and already downloaded my exam letter with a signature and congrats wish
how did paper go for you.. i am not entirely sure how i got 4th quartile in FMP and 3rd in quant...these sections did go well although remaining quartiles have no surprises!
GARP has confirmed with me that the results for Part 1 are being released today. If you are seeing results and they are disappearing, this is most likely due to GARP working on their website to upload the results. This seems to happen each exam cycle. If you are not trying to trick the system by changing the date on your computer, and you've logged into your GARP account to see the results, they should be accurate. The website may be glitching for a bit today though as they work on uploading everyone's results.
GARP has confirmed with me that the results for Part 1 are being released today. If you are seeing results and they are disappearing, this is most likely due to GARP working on their website to upload the results. This seems to happen each exam cycle. If you are not trying to trick the system by changing the date on your computer, and you've logged into your GARP account to see the results, they should be accurate. The website may be glitching for a bit today though as they work on uploading everyone's results.
Thank you very much, Nicole!
how did paper go for you.. i am not entirely sure how i got 4th quartile in FMP and 3rd in quant...these sections did go well although remaining quartiles have no surprises!
I remember that I had to guess about 15 to 20 questions, especially in the financial markets & products topic
GARP has confirmed with me that the results for Part 1 are being released today. If you are seeing results and they are disappearing, this is most likely due to GARP working on their website to upload the results. This seems to happen each exam cycle. If you are not trying to trick the system by changing the date on your computer, and you've logged into your GARP account to see the results, they should be accurate. The website may be glitching for a bit today though as they work on uploading everyone's results.
Thanks Nicole. Thats helpful
Just received my results and passed too (3, 2, 1, 1)! So excited and relieved as I had found the exam extremely hard.

@David Harper and @Nicole Seaman: the exam had way more qualitative questions, which were very tricky, rather than quantitative ones. Although I appreciated the quant focus while studying to really dive deep into the concepts, during the exam I felt like I wasn't adequately prepared for the qualitative part (approx 70%). In hindsight, I didn't leave enough time for your practice exams in the end which are more balanced than the other material with respect to quantitative/qualitative. However, I passed thanks to your material. Huge thanks!
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