Exam Details


New Member
Few queries:
  1. Is there a minimum (though not defined but empirical based on historical data) percentage of correct answers/marks that need to be scored to qualify the exam..?
  2. Does a candidate need to qualify each subject area or cumulative marks are counted..?
  3. Do these percentages of marks for qualification differ for Level 1 and Level- 2..?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Vikas,

Here is my most recent understanding, but Suzanne Evans can i trouble you to confirm with our contact? The GARP site used to have info on the FAQ/somewhere but i do not currently see.... My latest understanding:
Re: passing: the FRM does not have ex ante passing criteria. (okay, not so much fun for candidates who like to know where the goal posts are placed).
  • Each of the topics is WEIGHTED (T1 = 20%, T2 = 20%, T3 = 30%, T4 =30%) but you have a single final score (Y) which includes no penalties for incorrect answers i.e., you should guess rather than leave a blank
  • The average of the Top 5% (I read this as NOT the 5th percentile but rather as the average of the top 5%). Call this value (T)
  • GARP selects (calibrates) a ratio, presumably in part to control the overall passing ratio. So they set passing score (S) = Some percentage of (T). For example, maybe this passing score S = 70% * T .... I just made up 70%, I have no idea about this ratio, it changes each exam
  • You pass if your Y >= S
Bottom line: it's grading on an (ex post) curve. Source: last year.

i.e., i *think* but am not sure, since i have not seen any updated info, that the answers to Vikas questions are:
  1. yes, but the ratio/curve decides so you can't know it in advance
  2. I don't think so, can we confirm please?
  3. I think the methodology is same for P1 and P2, and therefore, the passing percentage (# correct) should be different, or if same, only by coincidence