2011 FRM Level 1 (1 of 2) Live Webinar Review: Saturday, February 12th

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
David is going to conduct our 2011 FRM Level 1 review webinar on Saturday February 12th at 9 AM U.S. EST.


To be determined and published one week before the webinar
(note: this will include the case-study practice questions that we review together)


When: Saturday February 12th at 9 AM U.S. EST. What time is that for you? Click here for your local time.

You MUST be a paid member in order to access the live webinar. If you are not, please do not register as your registration will be denied. For those of you who are unable to attend, don’t worry! The webinar will be recorded and published to the premium section ASAP.

Go here to register.

Please be sure to register for the webinar with the same email that you use for bionicturtle.com!

We are allocating 2+ hours (similar to the webinars that were conducted in 2010). Because the FRM has so much material, of course everything cannot be covered. Rather, David is going to share his view of the most critical ideas. So this webinar is merely a supplement to your regular plan. Please do not defer/delay your study plan in favor of this review; it can only give you a small “boost.” His goal is to keep you on track.

Finally, perhaps you have identified a difficult question? If you have a particular issue or question that you’d like us to cover, please let us know in the forum thread or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


Even though I have definitely paid for this service, I received this message last night:

The Webinar organizer has denied your request to join the following Webinar:

"2011 (February 12th) FRM Level 1 Live Webinar Review (1 of 2)"
Saturday, February 12, 2011 9:00 AM - 11:30 PM EST

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Zach. I sent you an email in response to your email. This has been corrected, again I apologize. This was an error on our back-end. Please see your email for instructions.

Thanks for your patience.

Dear David,

Do you mind elaborating a bit on the CTD Treasury Bonds? I am a student and I am studying FRM with only your materials and I haven't got the industry experience to visualize some of the products and i hope you could help me see them clearer.

I do not understand the rationale behind the short that wants to deliver the CTD Bond. He wants to minimize the Cost (Quoted Price + AI) - Selling Price (Settlement * CF + AI). The result on the BT notes Products & Markets Pg55 indicates the CTD $1.87 as "cost". Why would anyone do such a transaction when there is a positive cost? Maybe I have not grasped the entire concept yet and i hope you could help me out with this.

With thanks,
jiew kwang