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  1. O

    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Passed 12321. Thanks BT and all contributors to forum's threads. It was a really pleasant site to work and seek relevant information. I am relieved not to have to go deeply into the OpRisk papers again even if it would be clearly usefull... ;-) I wish good luck for the november's retakers and...
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    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Ok! Thank you very much Karim. You're right, let's wait for feedback. Have a good week-end
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    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hi bilal, Terrance, Kiufrm, Bernardo I struggled with that one too but for another reason! ;-) For your issue, I agree with Bernardo. In my opinion, for the order of computation, when facing a lognormal VaR, which is non-linear function [With a computation of e(kx) different from ke(x)], you...
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    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hello. Good week-end to everybody. Can anyone can inform me on a GARP policy? If one has to re-take (hope it will not happen) the exam in november, do the the GARP material (including current issues) stay the same during the calendar year or are the modifications in chapters semi-annual?
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    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hello professor and candidates. Should another way to go for the frown rather than the smile be to consider "only" that the jumps (+ or -) are "event-driven"? The market participants are not pricing their "fear of more probable extreme outcomes" on the OTM options (creating high implied...
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    FRM Practice Exam Part II Nov 2017

    It is discussed in free resources topic 6 for 2016-GARP-Q5 (same question than 2017-Q5 and same idea but with different inputs) Oldfed
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    FRM Practice Exam Part II Nov 2017

    Hi Unusual skill, The only thing I can say that could help you is that I am pretty sure (not totally) that I have seen that question discussed somewhere in the forum and quite deeply explained by instructor and participants. Maybe you can try with appropriate search key words to find that...
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    Question To FRM2 candidates

    Hello FRM2 candidates friends I have just finished to read the first 3 books of part 2 (quick reading). I would like to be reassured: Am I the only one to find the content of that level extremely tedious (to remain civil)??? Fortunately, there is the turtle site to make the stuff more...
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    2018: Part 2 New and Updated Published Materials

    Thank you. It's perfectly clear. I am getting now what is GARP's approach concerning that topic. I suppose that the 100% swapping out is even more frustrating for prep providers than it is for candidates.
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    2018: Part 2 New and Updated Published Materials

    Really clear now. Thanks!
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    2018: Part 2 New and Updated Published Materials

    Thanks you for the answer, I agree: The question is not clear at all! :D And you're right, we can sum up my question with: Where to find the source readings for the T9 readings since GARP does not provide a book for T9? An add question would be: Does the content of that topic 9 will be...
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    2018: Part 2 New and Updated Published Materials

    Hi everybody, I would like to take the opportunity offered by that thread about "new and updated material" to ask for help about the best way to understand how topic 9 "current issues" is released and published by GARP. I read that thread, the curriculum and its LOS, visited GARP site and...
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    hi Christylee, it's on Dashboard/My programs (you will see the pass/fail message here) then "see my exam results"
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    First, sorry to ask the question so early For future takers or retakers: Before registration, am I the only one questionning the relevance (considering the price) of purchasing the books (ebook or hard books)? I am totally aware that it is the basis of both part1 and part2 programs, but I...
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    It is maybe not the case for everyone (depends on device) but the way to get the breakdown is: GARP /Your account/Your programs/View your exam results => Then you have your quartiles, your letter.
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Hi Kawal. In my case, below the "pass message" you can download/show your quartiles. It's maybe juste a question of time for you (update). It will be here soon. Congrats for your pass.
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Hi. Passed 1111. Thanks BT. Congrats To all who passed and hope the best for those who failed that level 1 session and decide to retake it.
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I am sorry Huzi. I do not recall the digits. I may have answered 2,3. I can't say. I just remember that my computation relied on the hypothesis that: convenience yield = cost of storage + lease rate.
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Thank you for all those precisions. At least, me and some other candidates are now aware of the deceitfulness of that provider's practices. Regards
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    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Quickly, there are the 70 questions I quoted on that forum so far. I put no precision for each question. However, I tried to respect the GARP order for the 4 big parts. The 30 remaining? There were cleraly more questions in some areas (CAPM, multifactor models, Best practices, optimal level of...